Ejaculation question!Please help.It hurts!!? -
Im 16 yrs. male and Im ejaculating from about 3yrs. in noon and at night just to have some sleep.Now I feel lose and probably losing stamina.Tell me how to get rid of it.
try getting a bit more sleep instead of playing with yourself you say you cannot sleep without masturbating
I say its the other way around you have become fascinated with your penis as it is most likely you only pleasure and your staying up late to have fun with your little friend
try putting some boxing gloves on to go to bed in and throw the jar of lube you have hidden under the bed out the window and GET SOME SLEEP
It is a little difficult to be sure what you are asking. I am guessing that English is not your first language.
I understand that you are 16 and have been ejaculating for about 3 years. I am presuming you masturbate twice daily and that at night that helps you sleep.
You feel that you are losing some stamina??? Do you mean in your whole body or in your masturbation?? My suggestion to you is that you try to change and vary your habit? Habits can be good and they can become boring.
My suggestion would be to omit the midday session and just go for one in the evening. As well try some variation in time and place and perhaps in what you think about or look at.
I like eating ice cream. If I eat the same flavour ice cream twice a day for three years soon that will become slightly boring too.
Try something new!
Masturbation is the innocent way of Satisfying yourself but it can be Really terrible. Many people Believe Masturbation has no after effects and Its a Big Misconception. Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Like other behaviors, when over practiced or addicted it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances
If you want to improve your stamina you should probably cut down to once per day and only do it a few times per week instead of every day.
I-m not sure what you mean by -feel lose-.
Nobody can control testesterone build up which is respsonsible for frequent ejaculation. Take sufficient protein rich food to supplement the loss from ejaculation..
use lotion it will make it tighter
Ejaculation question!Please help.It hurts!!? -