Friday, April 7, 2006

What are the herbs, drugs or exercises that can cure premature ejaculation? -

What are the herbs, drugs or exercises that can cure premature ejaculation? -

I have mainly benefited from taking a few sex boosting exercises which have hardened my erection and prolonged my my staying power to an incredible extent. So I would give a detail of that exercise plan only. I don-t know much about herbs etc. Actually I learnt these exercises from an ebook called - Erectile Dysfunction No More- which I purchesed a few months ago and took the advice seriously. I followed the simple exercise plan laid out by the writer and now I am quite a sexually satisfied man. I did not take a single pill. So here is what I learnt:

PC Workouts:

If you do not know from your PC muscle, the best way to bring it to urinate, And then, the flow of urine. When the electricity stops, you have found that your PC muscle. Now flex your PC muscles a few times to ensure that you have found it. As with any muscle, the PC muscle atrophy, if not exercised regularly. And Squeese Quick Slow squeeze are two methods, which contribute to the PC muscle. In The Quick squeeze method simply squeeze your PC muscle as closely as possible, and then relax. In the slow squeeze you do it by squeezing and keep your PC muscles for a while and then relax. These two methods really work and give your PC muscle strength.

Just much as with any exercise program, you should start slowly and build up over time. Start with the lowest number of repetitions and an increase in the number of employees per week as proposed. They must not be the entire training on a meeting. It is also advantageous to do any exercise in a separate session. It is important, however, to exercise daily at each progress.

Relax your muscles

Please do not laugh at this tip. So many men ejaculate prematurely because of fear and a good way to beat fear is by relaxing the muscles. How do you relax? Well, it is by learning how to breathe properly during sex play. As you approach your ejaculation breathe. What this means that you are deliberately slow breathing, so that your body is not everything harder. They should be deep breaths and deep breaths, during sex. This is very helpful!

Balanced Food:

Enjoy eat foods that are nutritious and help improve your quality of sperm. The quality and quantity of sperm has a direct influence on the type of food consumed men. Therefore, experts recommend that the men who hope to father children in the near future, there must be a point to eat a balanced diet, ideally from a lot of fruit and vegetables (at least five servings per day) and a minimum of three servings whole grains and beans, nuts and some daily.

But, it must take into account that vegetables and fruit is a must consume organically grown and are free from residues of pesticides on the presence of dangerous chemicals could actually decline in sperm Health And count.

Another mineral that contribute to healthy sperm count is zinc , which in large quantities in whole grain cereals, fish, meat, eggs and pulses. Meat and seafood are also a rich source of selenium. To add to all natural and your daily diet and follow the above-mentioned increase in the pursuit of sex, you would soon have a significant improvement in your condition.

I have followed the above plan religiously as stressed by the author of the ebook and the results were very amazing. You too can follow that plan.

I know that there are vegetables and herbs that can affect the nerves so that they function more quickly. Pepper, cinnamon and some kind of spice. These are not good for premature ejaculation. And cool water shower before going to BED(!) can delay ejaculation. During sex and erousal , thinking on things other that sex, especially thinking on your angry boss in office, can result very good. For preventing premature ejaculation, it is better to ask your partner be on top of you.
Eat Cashew nuts,Pistasious,bananas, Dates,Pomogranet, drink low fat milk, eat curds and try out dishes made of coconut curry, jog everyday dont masturbate for 1 month and then see the results.
Anything with lidocaine in it.... (numbing cream)
when u are urinating try to hold your urine for one minute,do this frequently to locate the muscles that hold the urine so that you can try sequeze the muscles when having sex,you can perfect this by pressing the muscles even without urinating such that when sitting in a car or in office you do the exercise(kegel exercise).

or better when having sex you can get out before you ejaculate and if you cannot then when you feel you are almost ejaculate you start counting in a descending order like 99,98,97 etc,its just a matter of mind over matter

N/B do not get excited when having sex
When ya pee hold flow for a few seconds and re shoot dont push to hard , do regular stop flow etc.. but dont hold to long. Lower tummy pull in-s then working to lower pelvis flexes. Great for the prostate too. Involve minny flexes of the shaft. you can do this at the computer or even while driving,lol.
lexapro only need a very small amount
What are the herbs, drugs or exercises that can cure premature ejaculation? -