Sunday, September 24, 2017

Is there really a way to strengthen some muscle in your penis to prolong time before ejaculation.? -

Is there really a way to strengthen some muscle in your penis to prolong time before ejaculation.? -

If so how do you do it

You can put a small towel over it when it-s erect and use your efforts to lift it up slightly, this is apparently meant to work well! Also when you masturbate, be more gentle- do not be to vigorous! Slow down and when the feeling comes along stop and let it fade and then carry on, this helps you take control more and can help you last longer.

Also I have heard if you know you-ll be having sex with someone - make sure you-ve masturbated a few hours earlier as you-re quicker when you haven-t released it in a while. Men are usually longer the second time around!
yup, it called kegel exercise which strengthens your pc muscles to help maintain longer erections and control your ejaculations better.

first you need to find your pc muscle. imagine you really need to urinate (don-t do this with a full bladder) then try holding it in as hard as you can. you-ll notice you-re balls will rise abit and get a tight feeling. thats the pc muscle. keep squeezing it everyday but not constantly, take breaks. you can do this at anytime, whereever you want and nobody will notice.
No. Because the muscles which control ejaculation are not in the penis, and they are reflexive muscles which do their own thing.
apparently if you keep stopping mid flow during urination it builds it up but i don-t know if that-s just an urban myth
Practice makes perfect! (or near enough)
No you just have to think of anything but what you are doing when you have sex
look up Kegel exercise
Is there really a way to strengthen some muscle in your penis to prolong time before ejaculation.? -