Thursday, November 2, 2017

Important question about ejaculation!!!!! answer fast please? -

Important question about ejaculation!!!!! answer fast please? -

Im 16 and every once in a while i masturbate.After about 15 minutes can fell something slowly comming and its a good sensation.The only thing that happened is that my penis head gets -WET-. What is this called OR
Is something wrong with me????

it is the percumm
if you contiune stroking your dick the full ejaculation will happend
e mail me for more details
. The wetness is precum, and it means that you are getting ready to ejaculate. Just keep at it and you will have your orgasm.
Hun, you basically need to carry on at the point where you usually stop. Carry on that little bit longer and your see and feel the difference.
Practice makes perfect
It-s totally normal. It-s just that you get sexually excited and the penis ejaculates some semen before any sexual contact.
That is called pre-ejaculate, or in slang terms, pre-come. If you continue with the masturbation to the point of no return, you will experience a full ejaculation!
nothing wrong with you hun, your about ***, it-s like a white colour (sperm) that-s what makes baby-s x
The techincal name for it is pre-ejaculate. Or in slang -pre-***-
Just means you-ve stopped too soon - that-s all
after masturbating for a while (and the time depends entirely on the individual and can even vary significantly from one time to the next) ther eis this overwhelming feeling that occurs as orgasm is reached. And with it comes climax and ejaculation.
During masturbation the penis can put out a clear fluid that comes form the glands near the bladder; it is primarily a form of lubrication but, depending on the penis and the masturbation technique, may need to be supplimented.
During orgasm, the ejaculate would be more of a creamy whitish to yellowish substgance. Although boys not yet developed enough may have dry orgasms or may ejaculate only a clear fluid.
If one stops masturbating before ejaculation then they really only get the lubricating fluid and not the semen though a small amount of semen may dribble out after stopping.

So, feel free to keep stroking a while longer to hit the finish line.
Important question about ejaculation!!!!! answer fast please? -

Need ejaculation help.? -

Need ejaculation help.? -

hey guys, I-m 13 years old, have a 4 inch penis. i do masterbate, but it seems that i can only pre-ejaculate? i dont know why, i try to look at porn but still just pre. thanks for the help.
I-m 13 and I first experienced ejaculation when I was around 11 - 12 years old. I was watching a bad movie on cinemax and suddenly my penis started to throb and it freaking hurt, but felt good at the same time, then I felt a rushing burn and hot and sticky stuff in my pants. I unzipped and looked and sperm was on my boxers. I nearly lost it! I ran into my bathroom and jumped into the bath tub saying holy crap i spermed on myself. Maybe you might be slow on your puberty.
Hey man, it-s cool, you might not be ejaculating yet, but you will start in about anywhere from a couple of weeks too even a couple years. I started a couple of months ago, and i-m 13. It-s just how your body works
Ya need to hit and go through puberty in order for the full bang to happen.
Need ejaculation help.? -

Can a man have ejaculation if his testacols is remove? or even a erection? -

Can a man have ejaculation if his testacols is remove? or even a erection? -

Yes to both. The male ejaculate is a sum of many fluids -- sperm is only one component. Erections come from blood not balls -- though one-s drive will likely go down.

Can a man have ejaculation if his testacols is remove? or even a erection? -