Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I have a question about ejaculation.? -

I have a question about ejaculation.? -

Usually, when I have an orgasm, it is the typical male orgasm. But lately, instead of being several small spurts, it is one long spurt.

I-ve also not been able to masturbate as easily or as often.

Why is this?

Your Refractory period is becoming longer between sessions.

Your kegel (p.c.) muscles are getting stronger.

Maybe if you didn-t -Masterbate *** much- as you do...
Then you wouldn-t have this problem!...
it can be different every time
That-s fine, don-t you watch those movies??
I have a question about ejaculation.? -

Was this ejaculation...or pre? -

Was this ejaculation...or pre? -

I was giving my boyfriend a hand job, and some stuff came out...I wasn-t looking so I am not sure what it looked like....But I-d like to know if it was pre-*** or ejaculation....I feel so stupid for asking this, but I would like to know.
if there was a good amount then he came. if it was just a lil lil lil bit then it was just pre
probably pre ***. unless it was alot
If it was a clear fluid and a small amount, it was pre-ejaculate. If it was whitish and a larger amount is was semen.
why werent you looking hehe
did he shudder or groan or anything? if he did then he came
if it was justa little semen and he didnt move or shudder or moan or anything then it was probabbly a leak like..
Was this ejaculation...or pre? -

What is pre - ejaculation i just want to know because........? -

What is pre - ejaculation i just want to know because........? -

i always ejaculate but never pre - ejaculate so i wouldn-t know what is so just tell me

It-s any and all of the clear stuff that comes out of your penis before you ejaculate. And there-s over a billion sperm in each drop of pre - ***. So if you ever have/ had un - protected sex with a girl (which is not a smart thing to do) even if you don-t fully ejaculate in her (you pull out) you-ve already deposited billions of sperm into her from the pre - ***, and unlike the actuall ejaculation the pre - *** you don-t feel or know it-s coming out. No there aren-t any dangers from masturbating it is natural and healthy and even us women do it too, just alot of us don-t like to admit it. Some bad things that you could do because of or through masterbating are.... I learned in High School Health class that if a guy is masterbating and he is about to ejaculate and gets inturupted, or just doesn-t want to make a mess the worst thing you can do is covewr your hole as your ejaculating it does some type of damage to your insides, and the only other bad thing that could/ can come from masterbating is if you have sick or twisted fantasies, such as violence against the person in whom your fantasizing about, or if violence gets you turned on at all or helps you to ejaculate that-s not good. Hey as long as you don-t cover the hole and your masterbating fantasies involve no violence or children your fine it;s normal and healthy.

You won-t go blind.
You won-t grow hair on your hands.
It won-t break or fall off.
You wont go to hell.

It-s so perfectly normal that I-d say you were weird or that there is something wqrong with you if you didn-t masterbate.

Hope I helped : ^ )
There is normally some clear fluid that will leak out of a man-s penis when he is sexually excited, but not yet at the point of orgasm. This fluid is colloquially called -prec.um- and it seems that people are calling the process -pre-ejaculation-, although it has nothing to do with ejaculation. It-s just a normal, slippery fluid that the male adds to the process. Some guys produce more than others, depending on their individual make up and how aroused they are. If you spend a short time in the arousal phase and quickly proceed to climax, you might not be allowing enough time for enough of this fluid to build up and seep out. Try going more slowly, paying attention to the feelings in your body and genitals before orgasm. See if you can make the sensations during arousal more intense with different kinds of touches and manipulations. You may see some of this clear fluid during these situations, but it might be easy to miss, especially if you-re already supplying some other lubricant. Also, if you give yourself an erection and play with it for a while, but don-t climax, you may notice some of this fluid leaking out when it gets soft and shortens again.

Oh, and to your other question - there is nothing dangerous about masturbation. It-s good exercise, it teaches you about how your body works in sex, it lets you practice and try out things before you do them with other people. It keeps your sexual response supple and exercised. You-ll never catch an STD or make someone pregnant by masturbating.
Pre-*** is pre-ejaculate (also known as pre-ejaculatory fluid or Cowper-s fluid) is the clear lubricating fluid that is issued from a man-s penis when he is aroused.
Precum is pre-ejaculatory semen. It is the fluid that ejaculates from a man before the -Big Bang- Although it is a small amount, you should always use protection because you can still get pregnant and contract STD-s from it.
It-s not pre-ejaculation. It-s pre-ejaculate, a noun, not a verb.

Pre-ejaculate, or pre-c u m, is that clear liquid that oozes out off your penis when you are sexually excited for a little while. It-s a lubricant that is preparing your penis to shoot it-s load. All you gotta do is just THINK about sex and it starts and depending upon how long you remain in this frame of mind it can soak through your underweart and leave a nice wet spot on your jeans. Looks like you dribbled after you took a pee.

It does not, as one person said, contain billions of sperm; however, it might have enough sperm to get a girl pregnant, since it only takes one.
When you c u m then that load contains, on average, about 5 million sperm.

No dangers in masturbation. Do it all you want.
The fluid is emitted during arousal, masturbation, foreplay or at an early stage during sex, some time before the man fully reaches orgasm and semen is ejaculated. It is primarily produced by the bulbourethral glands (Cowper-s glands), with the glands of Littre (the mucus-secreting urethral glands) also contributing
The amount of fluid that the human male issues varies widely among individuals. Some men do not produce any pre-ejaculate fluid, while others emit as much as 5 mL.

Pre-ejaculate contains some chemicals associated with semen, such as acid phosphatase. Some semen markers, such as gamma-glutamyltransferase, are completely absent from pre-ejaculate fluid

1. There are no dangers whatsoever from masturbating (I suppose you could zip your thing in your pants actually -- but I don-t count stuff like that). It-s not only completely safe, it reduces your risk of prostate cancer by over a third if you do it once a day or more and it keeps your prostate generally healthy -- greatly reducing the risk of Prostatis ( a VERY painful infection ) and reducing the percentage of your sperm that will be deformed at any point in time.

Another words -- the side effects are all positive, there are no negative ones, small or otherwise.

2. As to pre-c*mming. It-s just clear lubricant liquid that starts running out of your penis slit for a while before you shoot. Some people have HUGE amounts, some have none.

Kind thoughts,

Pre-ejaculation is when there is there is a substance that is there to lubricate the genitals to make it easier to do whatever you plan to do with it.

This site should help you out more than I can.

pre - ejaculation is thing that happens when you get too exited and a little sperm leaks out.
It makes you look very immature, in front of a girl.
Hope this helps.
its that little bit of semen that comes out of your hole before the big one. It-s biological purpose is to assist in lubrication during actual intercourse.
it kinda ooozes out while your jacking/doin it.
its your bodies natural lubrication for sex. =D
when a man gets off a little before he gets off
What is pre - ejaculation i just want to know because........? -

Delayed Ejaculation? -

Delayed Ejaculation? -

This subject has been asked over and over again on this site and no answer has really come to light. However, i dont think there is really one answer.
I to suffer from this problem, i can only recall one time that i ever lost control. People perhaps consider this problem to be quite strange and rare, however im beginning to realize that it isn-t. Ive been high and low to find answers including

If anyone actually has some tried and tested techniques it would be good to here.

Premature ejaculation occurs when you ejaculate too quickly and without control. Premature Ejaculation occurs when your body produces too much hormone too fast. Your body becomes -over stimulated-. The head of the penis becomes so sensitive that you ejaculate almost immediately. There is absolutely no control.
This Extreme Sensitivity on the head of your penis causes the ejaculatory mechanism, inside your body, to go into -spasms-. It-s these spasms that cause the overpowering Urge to Ejaculate. The head of your penis becomes so sensitive and the urge is so strong that you ejaculate immediately.
If you slow down the production of excess hormone - you slow down the ejaculation.

In fact, there-s NO product, exercise, or technique that can stop severe premature ejaculation when used alone. NONE! Severe premature ejaculation is an extremely complex condition the causes of premature ejaculation are both physical and psychological. To cure premature ejaculation requires a combination of products that simultaneously attack and eliminate each cause. Last-Longer has a combination of products strong enough to eliminate ALL aspects of both the physical and psychological causes of premature ejaculation.
Quite often, when a man gains good ejaculatory control, he suddenly becomes much more interested in sex.
Also try to learn ejaculation control:
Men often think sex happens only in the penis and only during intercourse. That view is a one-way ticket to uncontrolled ejaculation (not to mention erection problems, and women with those proverbial headaches). The best sex involves head-to-toe arousal. Men learning how to approach -- but not arrive at -- their point of no return, need to appreciate whole-body sensuality, the pleasure potential in every square inch of the body. Whole-body sensuality releases tension. Tense bodies that have no other outlet often find release through involuntary ejaculation. But as you learn to appreciate sensual pleasure from head to toe, whole-body arousal takes the pressure off your penis, and you last longer.
* Whole-body sensuality means relaxation, but the -relaxation- involved in great sex is not the kind that includes an easy chair, a six pack, and Monday Night Football. It-s the kind you feel after a hot bath or a good massage. In fact, bathing or showering together before lovemaking can help men relax and appreciate whole-body sensuality -- and last longer.
* Breathe deeply. One very easy way to stay relaxed while making love is to breathe deeply. The body has a natural tendency to breathe deeply during sex. But many men fight it. They think they should stay in control by not breathing deeply and making the little love-moan sounds that go along with it. But when men work to control their breathing, they often sacrifice ejaculatory control. Try breathing deeply. Let your breath go. Many men are amazed how much this one little change improves their ejaculatory control.
* Start with masturbation with a dry hand. By varying how you caress your penis, you can learn to stay highly aroused for quite a while without coming. When you feel yourself approaching your point of no return, simply back off a bit, strokestroke yourself more gently or not at all, and stay aroused without ejaculating. Then as you feel yourself getting a little distance from your point of no return, return to more vigorous self-stimulation. Repeat this several times over several sessions. Approach your point of no return, then back off. For most men, it doesn-t take long to develop good ejaculatory control while alone.
Then move on to masturbation with a lubricated hand. Use saliva, vegetable oil, or a commercial sexual lubricant. For most people, lubricants increase the sensual intensity of erotic fondling. Follow the same program: Masturbate until you approach your point of no return, then back off. Repeat this several times over several sessions.
* Once you have good control during masturbation, and appreciate whole-body sensuality, and feel comfortable breathing deeply during lovemaking, then you-re ready for the couples program -- if you-re in a couple. The couple approach is called the -Stop-Start Technique.- First, arrange -stop- and -start- signals with your lover, for example, a light pinch or tap, or a tug on an ear.
Then, your lover strokes your penis by hand as you lie still. When you approach your point of no return, give the -stop- signal. Your lover immediately stops stroking you and simply holds your penis gently, as you continue to breathe deeply and pays close attention to the sensations you-re feeling. When you no longer feels close to ejaculation, gives the -start- signal, and your lover begins stroking you again. How many stops and starts should you do? A half-dozen over a 15-minute period works well for most couples. Do what feels comfortable for you.

With stop-start, the focus is on the man. He-s the one learning the new skill. But don-t forget the woman-s sensual needs. As part of each practice session, she might guide your hand over her to show you what she likes.
more info in this premature ejaculation guide
Evidently you-ve not read any answer of mine about such problem. In fact, I-ve often wrote that science still hasn-t found any sure and effective cure against the early ejaculation disease, until today at least. Thus, on this page you only can read some advice or similar experiences and certainly no real treatment! Besides I don-t think people here is thinking it-s a light or strange problem and personally I deem that early ejaculation together erectile dysfunction is the most spread sexual problem in the world!

Delayed Ejaculation? -