Does masturbation cause premature ejaculation? -
No. It-s a wonderful way of learning how your body functions, and of developing self-control, so that you function better with a partner.
It-s good to experiment with different techniques; many guys never get beyond the basic method, and miss out on a lot of pleasure.…
At the bottom of each page, click on -to next page- until you reach the end of the section.
In the expert section, some of the techniques are a bit strange; you should heed any warning to be careful, and be sure to keep everything clean. Just about every possibility is included here. We-re all different - just try what appeals to you, and you should have a lot of fun.
This is worth reading - be sure you read it ALL THROUGH, as the beginning is a bit confusing:…
Yes, excessive of masturbation can lead u to premature ejaculation.
It can happen if you masturbate, but it-s not the cause of it.