Sunday, August 20, 2017

Fast ejaculation!? -

Fast ejaculation!? -

help me for ! i have big problem, fast

Before you ejaculate, STOP!
Rest, relax.
Then after you are relaxed start up again.
Engage in foreplay.
divert your mind
have a w*nk before starting sex with someone else
Where is the problem ! -Same player shoot again!-
... wish You were here so I could help...
Will change as you get older and more experienced. Around 39 I learned how to totally control myself and can go as long as I want now. Pretty handy for the lady !!
A condom, desensitizing cream and thinking about grapefruit should help= D
If you come too quick what you need to do is get yourself a DVD player and a bunch of pornos and sit and J.O. then when you come try to keep your erection,(just keep on going at it that works for me) then come again then again don-t lose the erection and come again do this to the point of exhaustion then eat a realy big meal somewhere ( a restraunt you will be too tired to cook) then go back and do that again, do this 5 days in a row,don-t overdo it though, and be warned not all girls can handle you lasting long ,some chicks do get tired, girls talk a good game , some can go the distance , and those are the ones you want, but when you meet a chick who get-s tired before you do , it sucks because you are not satisfied, also if you can , when you are with a chick try and keep it up even after you come and do her again(if she can go the distance) the 2nd time is ALWAYS better than the first,I personaly could go more than 2 times with a chick but have yet to meet the woman who can do this.
think about you granmother or even your grandmothers teeth.. : )
Every guy has this at times... You can always ejaculate then rest then do it again!! the girl would be very happy that way... while you rest you can then help her out with oral until you are ready!!
Fast ejaculation!? -

Ejaculation?? -

Ejaculation?? -

Is it bad to ejaculate before you go through pubery?

If you ejaculate, you are in puberty, if you mean orgasam, without any ejaculate, thats ok, as long as it is thru self stimulation.
Hey man, doesn-t ask us.

Ask someone you trust like your Dad or counselor.
No it is perfectly normal. I seriousy doubt there will be much ejaculation, but more of a dry oragasm
the ****?
thats the first signs of peuberty - first that, then hair, then voice
Not at all. It-s natural, normal and healthy
Do you think this is something you should talk to your dad about, Doctor, phys ed teacher, school counselor, Read a book, about it ? I think I would have kept this off the internet!!
Probably not I would say, Just dont jerk it too much or you will become a loser like me.
No :|
Ejaculation?? -

When does ejaculation occur? -

When does ejaculation occur? -

When do you get the semen out. At what age. Or does it already come out. But is it a different texture when you-re a kid?

when mother nature says here we [ come] let it loose guys. around 11 or 12. at the age of around 10 to 11 years you may have clear seaman as it has no sperm [the little tadpoles] so you can-t be a daddy yet but as puberty cranks up you will start to get white ejaculate [come] and then you can have babies, son.
It starts after you reach puberty. So once you have pubic hair it will start while you are masturbating. It will be clear at first, and then develop some white in it.

Kind thoughts,

It depends if u started puberty yet
10-13 is average.. some earlier and some later
When does ejaculation occur? -