Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tell me everything you know about premature ejaculation? -

Tell me everything you know about premature ejaculation? -

Stress, anxiety, weak PC muscle, and inexperience are all causes of premature ejaculation. this is completely normal, because its sad to say that most men suffer from it. Relax, don-t feel pressured to perform, and have fun with it, and the problem will fix itself. You can also do exercises called -Kegels- to further improve your stamina. This helps build the muscles that are responsible from the male orgasm. by training this muscle(PC muscle) you wil strengthen it, therefore strengthening your orgasms as well. the PC muscle is located right between your scrotum and anus. This exercises is done by flexing the PC muscle. the next time you urinate, try stopping mid-stream without your hands, and that is your PC muscle. contract and release this muscle as many times as you can througout the day, and before you know it you-ll have the ability to last as long as you want.

Premature ejaculation (PE) is characterized by a lack of voluntary control over ejaculation. Many men occasionally ejaculate sooner than they or their partner would like during sexual activities. PE is a frustrating problem that can reduce the enjoyment of sex, harm relationships and affect quality of life. Occasional instances of PE might not be cause for concern. However, when the problem occurs frequently and causes distress to the man or his partner.

Basis of premature ejaculation?
Studies suggest that serotonin, a natural substance produced by nerves, is important. A breakdown of the actions of serotonin in the brain may be a cause. Studies have found that high amounts of serotonin in the brain slow the time to ejaculation while low amounts of serotonin can produce a condition of PE.
Some Specialist use SSRI These are chemical drugs which are of Antidepressant category. Not widely used due to there side effects.
Some companies promote Herbal medicines. But major Drawback of such medicines is that when patient stop taking such medicines then PE returns.
Start Stop and Squeeze techniques to hold ejaculation. These are only internet based techniques which FAILS to give any benefit practically in severe and moderate cases of PE. Patients try these techniques and make there PE condition more severe.

As a Sexologist by my Experience Take My Word There in NO Single Medicine Herbal or Otherwise which can CURE / CONTROL PE for ever. In fact, there-s NO product, exercise, or technique that can stop severe premature ejaculation when used alone. NONE! Severe premature ejaculation is an extremely complex condition the causes of premature ejaculation are both physical and psychological.

In Treatment of PE there are very specific medicines but core of the treatment for PE lies in Physical training of your Nervous reflexes so that you are able to have control over your nervous reflexes so that you can hold your ejaculation for any period of time say for 30-40minutes. Once you learn and practice this ability then you wount have to depend on any medicine whats so ever. And this is highly specialized training which you can get only from any specialist. This is called the treatment.

Dr Anil
Tell me everything you know about premature ejaculation? -