Thursday, March 17, 2011

Disadvantages of sperm ejaculation? -

Disadvantages of sperm ejaculation? -

does it effect on health,stamina bones or ...........
if i do it five times in a week

i assume you mean masturbation?
there is no disadvantages to it.. in fact there are only advantages, it makes you feel better and releaves stress
if something is happening and you feel that it is a relult of this, see a doctor. your fine
No, there is really no downside to ejaculation, there is, however, a downside to NOT ejaculating...
You can overdo anything. Be reasonably moderate - there-s no problem.
none that i know of dude! except maybe havin to change hands every once in a while.
you got to keep washing your hands
Disadvantages of sperm ejaculation? -

Question about Retrograde ejaculation? -

Question about Retrograde ejaculation? -

after years and years of clomid ect we finally think this is what hubby has why did the hsopital not pick up on this before they discharged us and what can be done to treat this in uk

Is it legal there?
I don-t know much about -uk- so........
You can tell if it-s a retrograde ejaculation if he pees in a clear cup, and then you look at it and it looks like sperm is mixed in with the urine. This has to be the first piss after he ejaculates. Tell him not to drink water so it doesn-t dilute it.

The retrograde ejaculation goes into the bladder.
Retrograde ejaculation is responsible for less than1% of infertility and normal occurs after surgery or an accident or possibly as a side effect from certain drugs.

You say you -think- that is what is happening until you have a proper diagnosis and reason it-s impossible to suggest what treatment might help.
Question about Retrograde ejaculation? -

Do you think masturbation/ejaculation slows down your recovery from illnesses? -

Do you think masturbation/ejaculation slows down your recovery from illnesses? -

no for example when i had the flu i masturbated everyday i get better in 4 days when my doctor said it should of taken about 2 weeks.

Generally nope, in fact there is some evidence that it helps stimulate your body and thus gets rid of the bug quicker. Things like surgery might need a bit more thinking about, but general bugs aren-t a problem.

There-s a new study out which even says it can help reduce your risks of prosate cancer so it can-t be bad.
It depends what kind of illness you-re suffering from. For example, after heart surgery it-s advisable not to masturbate or have sex for a week or two.
Masturbation STIMULATES the immune system so yes it should help fighting infections.
No, it doesn-t affect it at all.
no ways man infact it help get u well sooner.......... i myself has been experiencing it since yrs...
Do you think masturbation/ejaculation slows down your recovery from illnesses? -