Sunday, May 14, 2006

How can i avoid premature ejaculation...i come in less than a minute always? -

How can i avoid premature ejaculation...i come in less than a minute always? -

First wear a condom, which unless you are in a monogamous relationship with someone you know is healthy and want to have children with you should be doing anyway. It will make prevent you from feeling as much, and as a result you will be stimulated less, you will take longer to reach orgasm, and will last longer.

The second is to do what Adam Collrolla refers to as “taking a bullet out of the chamber.” Masturbate, or Give yourself a bit of that good loving a few hours before you intend to be with your girlfriend, it takes the pressure off, and makes things last longer and makes it more enjoyable for both of you.

If you are talking about something else – you will need to be more specific.

LOL practice makes perfect
that-s funny...
Think about humping Rosie Odonnell. That oughta do the trick.
Premature ejaculation is when it happens before the sex act has begun. So that-s not your problem. What you need to do is have an understanding wife who will help you work on this. What you do is stop after 30 seconds if 1 minute is your limit and cool down for a little bit. Keep doing this over and over and you can eventually gain some control or at least you can go for round two and last longer.
you lucky fellow
I think perhaps you have much more experience pleasing yourself, than a partner? That is one of the downfalls of making the transition from self pleasure, to mutual pleasure. Practice on making yourself last longer, when you fell close to climax, stop stimulation and think of something that has nothing to do with sex, or fantasy, until the feeling passes, then start stimulation again. Repeat those steps and you may be able to increase your
up time.
just relax and try not 2 *** so much
While having sex, I recommend having reruns of -Maude- playing in the background. Bee(?) Arthur will kill your jack session in 10 seconds flat.
use a rubber band!!
you cannot avoid pre-ejaculation
depending on your age and your body it will depend on how fast or long it takes to come.
Good luck
How can i avoid premature ejaculation...i come in less than a minute always? -