Fiance has premature ejaculation? -
We-ve been sexually active for about 2 ? months now. Usually we have sex for like 30-40 mins... we lose track of time. But lately he ejaculates about 2 mins after we start. What could be affecting this, how could we stop it from happening?
Hi, you asked a serious question and so far there have only been smartass answers. My wife and I had been married several years when the same thing started happening to me. My wife and I talked about the problem and together we were able to work it out. For us, it was as simple as slowing down or even stopping (briefly) when it was about to happen. Surprisingly, stopping allowed time to do other things and as a result, our sex life improved dramatically. I hope this helps.
One other thing, make sure to talk to him and let him know that you are happy, but that you would like to make it better for the both of you...
Good luck...
May be some stress. Spend more time in foreplay. Try in the later part of night after a good rest. If the problem persists, see a doctor.
Let me get this agreed to marry a guy you-ve only been schtupping for 2.5 months?
And it-s only half an hour each time???!?!!
he can last much much longer by natural exercise easily , read , Christian Gudnasons- book, The Ejaculation Master book,
, this guy grantees you ways that will help you have much longer sex , its just basically a few professional exercises that strengthen you ejaculation system in a few days
Hope this helps
Not trying to be gross, but he-s probably not snapping the lizard as much as he used to since he-s now with you. That-ll reduce his endurance in that respect.
Maybe its just because you-ve only been sexually active for a short period of time. You said that is only recently a problem, right? Not sure what could be causing this.
But here-s some things you could try:
You could try using the squeeze technique. Before he ejaculates withdraw his penis and apply firm but light pressure with your index finger on the top his penis head and thumb underneath and hold for 30 seconds or until he loses the wind in his sails, sort of speak. then resume having sex again. This will prolong intercourse.
I-ve also heard that penis rings might work too to prolong things. Just look online.
Good luck.
He needs more practise. Your guide for knowledge,
Sounds like you-re turning him on more. Maybe you need to do it twice. I-m sure he-ll be slower the second time. It doesn-t sound like classic premature ejaculation.
you can check some topical cream on
or you can visit
where you can find a complete list of treatments for curing and preventing premature ejaculation
If he cums that fast, you must be way HOT!!!!!!
Try way more fore-play. Have him use toys to bring you to pleasure and climax first; then he can get his 2 minutes of intercourse.
what about doing it agian
you know more than once
i would get it up twice or even 3 times
i wouldnt quit
Anxiety or stress may be the reason. I think it-s a passing phase. U both will be OK, good luck!
You can find a list of treatments at
. Maybe he has a serotonin deficiency. That is one of the major causes of premature ejaculation.
The better the quality of a womans vagina..wet hot and tight...the faster a man will climax every time..unless he is under the influence of something that will delay his ejaculation and is possible for a man to ejaculate and not have a true extasy..but if he ejaculating very quickly then you have a good quality of vaginal walls and fluids...and its not big and sloppy and you have to not let him do full insertions and prolong the forplay to help you reach the climax too.
You are right to address it early before it becomes an habbit. Things to look at maybe would include -are you exciting him overly before you start (oral, hands, visual etc)-, -are there any perceived risks or time pressures that may be making him want to get it done quickly?-, or -have you stopped doing something that slowed him down such as stopping using a condom?- If things don-t improve quickly see a therapist.
it happens to all guys to be quicky sometimes. Maybe he-s stress out. give him a relaxing and conducive scenario. You can tackle it and plan for a more enjoyable sex next time. goodluck to both of you.
tell him to train his pc muscle its what stop you from peeing half way through tell him to go to ask they have loads of premature sorta stuff don-t listen to most of the pricks on here
and if that doesnt work im always here ;)