Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to control pre ejaculation ??? if any exercise plz dont suggest medicines? -

How to control pre ejaculation ??? if any exercise plz dont suggest medicines? -

This problem cannot be tackled in a jiffy. It takes times and lots of patience. The first exercise to be done to have control over ejaculatory muscles is that while urinating don-t do it in one swoop i.e. urinate for a few seconds and then hold the balance urine without discharging for few seconds more and go doing the same way till the bladder is emptied. So remember every time you urinate do it in above manner so that it becomes a second nature to you. This exercise gives fairly good amount of control over the ejaculation. Second exercise is a yogic one called as ASHWINI MUDRA. This can be done in sitting or standing posture though it is more advantageous to do it sitting. The exercise is simply done by contracting the anal hole i.e. you pull this muscle upwards and release. Keep this contraction and release for start 10 times only,gradually increase this exercise to reach a count of sixty times and then stop. Please do not increase it more and also please do not contract the anal hold without releasing it, this mudra is a lock and is called MULA BANDHA.
Some people find increase in blood pressure while doing this lock so I prefer you do ashwini mudra which is safe. Lastly while indulging in the sexual act if you count backwards say from 500 to 1 will help the mind to be distracted and will also go a long way to prevent premature ejaculation.
That-s all I am sure you will have good success in this. By the way this ashwini mudra is slightly different from Kegel exercise and much more easier.

Look up Kegel exercises under Men-s Health website.
If you-re looking for short and simple answers.. here is one:

If you know you-re going to be sexually active, masturbate prior to your encounter. This will help you last longer.
How to control pre ejaculation ??? if any exercise plz dont suggest medicines? -