Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How do u cure premature ejaculation ? -

How do u cure premature ejaculation ? -

as soon as you feel close to the point of no return, pull the sucker out and lob the lovely lady into a whole new position.

another way is to train that muscle you use to stop yourself pissing.
you can do this at work or at school or whatever just by tenseing it for a few seconds and the more you do it the longer you can hold it.
just make sure your not moving your ****. only that muscle.

once you have perfected that as soon as you are going to *** you can hold all the little critters in for later and have yourself a multiple orgasm. i can imagine if you are a premature ejaculater, this will be more of a saucy thing for you.

Dear for definate cure of PE condition we in medical practice follow the 3 fold approach.
First is psychological counselling sessions either personal or online sessions.
Second the Training to patient of specific techniques like screw technique to control his hypersensitivity
Third is use of specific medicines but only in severest cases where medicines we feel are necessary.
Normally 60-70% of PE patients are completely treated by first two combination methods

If a patient can follow the instructions specifically then neally all cases of PE are treatable

Dr Anil Kumar
Sr Sex Specialist

Breath correctly during sex. Not breathing well or holding your breath makes you ejaculate faster. You need to do exercises like the plank to strengthen your pelvic muscles which will help you last longer. Search for -kegel exercises- online and that will teach you how to work your PC muscle. Combine all these things and you will last a long time.

Extra: In an experiment, it has showed that men who do yoga for 1 hour a day, six days a week, lasted at least 3 times longer in bed than men who didnt. This is because yoga strengthens the pelvic muscles and helps breathing. I have not tried this myself though.
there are a number of cures to conquer premature ejaculation go to
breathing exasizes and dont hold your breath, relax and dont watch porn. Be pateint and you see results.
if circumcised, foreskin restoration can help by making sex get its natural rhythm back
masturbate before sex. then think of dinosaurs
think of an off-turner
How do u cure premature ejaculation ? -