Saturday, February 11, 2017

Premature ejaculation? -

Premature ejaculation? -

when i masturbate i only seem to last for 30 secs to 2 minutes does anyone no any techniques to last long.

Kinsey showed that more than 75% of all males ejaculate within 2 minutes of beginning intercourse during sex.

Therefore, coming in between 30 seconds and 2 minutes during masturbation is not only ok -- it will help you last longer when you are actually having sex.

It-s nothing to worry about. Hug yourself and believe in you.

Kind thoughts,

You can train yourself to last longer. First start masturbating with a wet hand, which simulates (to a small extent) a vagina. Get to the point just before you blow your load and relax a bit. Wait a few seconds then repeat. Do this around 3 times before you ejaculate and you should notice a steady increase. Then move onto a dry hand.

Whatever you do, don-t masturbate more than 2 or 3 times a day as when it comes to actual sex (with a real woman!), you-ll ejaculate much quicker.
Ejaculation is a process completely controlled by the mind.If you can control your thoughts,you can stop this problem completely.…

Good Luck
Practice a technique called edging. You stroke your penis until you are just about to bust a nut. Then you back off and start the process over again. It works and is pretty fun too.
Just keep on doing it.
Becuz I heard the longer you masterbate, that it helps keep your penis hard during sex and you can go longer.
Use patented Ball Zappers, attach them to your genitals and watch the fireworks.
Might depend on how old you are and how much sexual activity you have had.
Look at porn or get porn magazine while doing it. Works the freaking time.
use the stop and go method
Premature ejaculation? -

Premature ejaculation answer? -

Premature ejaculation answer? -

Dunno if this will work for any but I have seem to solve this problem rather easily (i dont know if its safe for your body though).
right before you feel yourself about to do the deed, I simply hold my breathe and I cant ejaculate at all.

Ways to understand where your premature-ejaculation problem
That-s pretty easy sounding. If it works you-ll be famous!
Premature ejaculation answer? -

Premature ejaculation? -

Premature ejaculation? -

Hey I-m a virgin and i-m kind of worried about being a preme. When i masturbate it only takes like 30 seconds to a minute and it comes out really far. Does this mean i-m going to be a super quick lay my first time, or are masturbation and sex different.

When you will have sex the first time you even come quicker because it will excite you even more
But the more you do it the longer time you can go on
Advise:before engaging in sex:pop a nut first:then it takes you longer already
End Premature Ejaculation (Audio CD)…

Coping With Premature Ejaculation: How to Overcome PE, Please Your Partner - Have Great Sex…

How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation…

The Ejaculation Trainer…

Master Of Ejaculation…

25 easy, effective and proven methods of ejaculation control…

All the best
First of all forget about the word premature ejaculation.
Although masturbation and sex are not different. But in real sense it is all different. In masturbation you are alone while you have a sex you have a partner.
You will be super quick if you go for a session now. Not only you most of all who go for first time experience this.
Nothing to worry. Nothing special for you.
Having a longer sex totally depends on your mind. That is what you are thinking. If you think a lot on sex then more likely that you will ejaculate fast. If you don-t think about sex you will last longer. But in first interaction it will be very difficult to have a control.
Again smother session depends on so many facts. While you are having sex you must have it in a safe and secure place. You should not fear for somebody. You should not be in hurry.
Sex become better and smoother once you start your married life.
You may ejaculate in 30 second while masturbating but you may hold for more than 30 minute while having real sex.
It has a system. Like when you go for a sex take at least 30 minute or more time in kissing , touching , hugging etc. the more time you pass in this act the more better. This helps in getting better sanctification to both the partner.
You-ll be fine mate. you get well practised in getting yourself off quickly and it-ll be different when you find your girl. Relax and enjoy
you might be quicker then most guys the first time during sex (they-re totally different!) but don-t worry about it b/c that-ll make it worse. just go with the flow and DON-T worry.
you might go off like a rocket but as long as she does to you-re fine
Premature ejaculation? -