Sunday, December 9, 2018

How can pre-mature ejaculation be cured? -

How can pre-mature ejaculation be cured? -

First wear a condom, which unless you are in a monogamous relationship with someone you know is healthy and want to have children with you should be doing anyway. It will make prevent you from feeling as much, and as a result you will be stimulated less, you will take longer to reach orgasm, and will last longer.

The second is to do what Adam Collrolla refers to as “taking a bullet out of the chamber.” Masturbate, or Give yourself a bit of that good loving a few hours before you intend to be with your girlfriend, it takes the pressure off, and makes things last longer and makes it more enjoyable for both of you.

practicing the control of your orgasm....stop before you reach the point of no return....repeat often...eventually you know the feeling before you orgasm....
Have one masturbation before going in. That would reduce the sperm count, but may keep your penis errected longer...
numb the head..they have creams for that
How can pre-mature ejaculation be cured? -

Premature ejaculation? -

Premature ejaculation? -

as outside india Cialis, Viagra and Levitra medicines are taken for premature ejaculation or for erectile dysfunction...n i have heard about herbal medicine like Tentex Royal from himalaya n shilajit gold from dabur in india..plz let me know, which r the best available medicines in india for this?
hope 2 get a satisfactory answer soon..

Dear Cialis and its co geners are used in treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. They have no role in PE treatment Infact in some cases we see that these medicines increase the sensitivity of penis so worsen the PE cases so as a medical practicitioner we dont recommend in PE cases.
Tentex royal is a herbal combination indicated in ED in old ages mostly.

Dear you have to first know the basics of PE in your case than to run after medicines.
Dear Take my word there is no Single medicine which can alone treat the PE. In fact Allopathic and Ayurvedic medicines can provide only symptomatic and temporary relief rather than permanent uproot of PE.
For permanent uproot of PE we have to clear the psychological blocks in the PE patients and train him to slow down his hypersensitive nervous reflexes so that when ever he goes into sex he can hold his ejaculation without help of any medicines.
Medicines are only used to lower down the severity of medicines.
There are very specific herbal medicines and kits which are focused for PE treatment

Dr Anil
Sr Sex Specialist
Its better you visit a Doc before you start any medication by yourself. Not that the pill cannot help, but I would suggest you -Start and Stop- method. For further details look for the same in google.
The easiest medication to get and take for premature ejaculation is plain old Sudafed. But you can-t take it if you have an enlarged prostate.
How can anyone answer your question without more information? How old are you for starters. Your medical and sexual history should be included.
Ask your partner, to put His/her finger up your ***, every time you fell you are about to *** !

if it a serious issue for you go on an anti-depressant, some make you lose the ability to go but you will satisfy.
Cockrings my man! Cockrings. Just go to google and type in cockrings.
Premature ejaculation? -

I have some difficulty regaining my erection after the ist ejaculation? what shoulf i do? -

I have some difficulty regaining my erection after the ist ejaculation? what shoulf i do? -

im27, well built and takes regularly my multivitamins w/ siberian ginseng. i eat healthy stuff. fish and white meat and lots of fruits everyday with fresh milk. But i worked a lot (papers) usually till 1 in the morning, and im getting 4 to 5 hours of sleep everyday. I masturbate every morning.... the problem is when im i have the chance of doing it with my gf, i could go only once. and i have to wait at least 2 hour before i could get it fully hard. i usually have a hard on right after when i was i college. its concerning me, will it worsen?
I think this is happening just because you are tired.

This doesn-t have to happen with age.....
I have to tell you that my husband had this same problem, except he had the idea in his head that he could only have sex once a day. You have to read the book The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know by Mantak Chia. This book saved our love life. It has specific exercises that you can do to perform better and more often. It really works!

Oh, and dont let ppl tell you that this is normal for your age and its all downhill from here. It simply isnt true and its too bad that ppl have that idea in their head.
you need a -oral- job =]
do you smoke? if so that might be one cause... also you don-t get much sleep and seems like you work too much.... you might be under lot of stress ... cuasing your blood not to circulate properly. It could also be pschological ... the more you think about it the worse it will get... just don-t worry about it and make sure you and your girlfriend are comfortable talking about the situation. I bet you 97% its because your understress and your are thinking about the situation too much. try not worring too much about it you are too young to be on viagra
The older you get the longer it takes to get another erection after you have already had sex.
If you stop masterbating every morning it will be a lot easier for you to go the second round.

You will never be as hard as when you were 18. As men get older they do get a little more limp.

Seriously though, stop masterbating every morning, and you will see a difference.
I think you-re just getting older and that-s what happens.
ok, well if the problem is finishing her off, then i say you have fingers! they work really good for this, and sometimes when doing this it stimulats the mail, and his erection comes back up. so once you go, keep her going with that, then when you finaly get back up you usualy last alot longer the second time, so try dirrfent things and have fun! she will like it!
get an oral job, it will stand again.
I have some difficulty regaining my erection after the ist ejaculation? what shoulf i do? -