Thursday, January 14, 2016

18 years old and still no ejaculation normal? -

18 years old and still no ejaculation normal? -

i-m 18 year old and ive never really came. i masterbate/have sex around about 3x a weeks but ive never actually came ive orgasmed but still no *** just a clear liquid like water but thicker what should i do?

that is not normal... see a doctor
when you say clear liquid but thicker what do you mean?
sperm live in a clear/white liquid.
any -lumpy bits- in the liquid will be (millions) of sperm

but see your G.P if you think it is a problem.\

take care
Yes you should deffinatly get checked, you have a serious problem, Or maybe your just retarted or a some sort of alien that cant produce sperm.
See a Urologist for an evaluation.
Go check it out by a doctor because thats not normal.
See a doctor. You may need a testosterone boost.
18 years old and still no ejaculation normal? -

How many sperm are released in a mans ejaculation? -

How many sperm are released in a mans ejaculation? -

Depends on how big the ejaculation is.. but it-s still like millions and millions.

Properly placed, it could impregnate every female in the US
Millions. And that little booger that swam the fastest up stream became you.
Millions of sperm.
millions of sperm
if u want sperm are released in a mans ejaculation more information
i had a lot of ejacuations , bu never once counted any
50 million according to the article below. No wonder we-re tired!
3 million
millions and millions and millions and millions............
How many sperm are released in a mans ejaculation? -