Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Does physical fitness affect ejaculation? -

Does physical fitness affect ejaculation? -

When i was a teenager and a soccer player i was in good shape. I can ejaculate as far or as much as i used to. Is this because of age freq or fitness?

It-s age more than anything else.

Physical fitness might affect general health, possibly including how often you can ejaculate. I don-t know of any exercise program that concentrates on the -squirt- muscles.
An old saying: -When you get old and pressure gets weak., better stand close or you-ll pee on your feet.- (not rhyming very well) Same applies to ejaculations any way you do it. A lot, especially after 35 to 40 has to due with an enlarging prostate gland. By age 50 you should have an annual digital exam and PSA. Well over 50% of men will have prostate problems. More men die of prostate cancer than all the female cancers combined, reproductive and breast.

Physical fitness related to athletics as little or nothing to do with it.
Sure it does.
Good health improve you.
Bad health make a lot of hurdle.
Dr. Saaed.
Good health keeps your body functioning optimally. When you are fit and healthy, every organ is working perfectly, including your reproductive organs.

But it does not mean just because you cant shoot far or cannot ejaculate as much, your body is shutting down.

Quality buddy, not quantity.
just keep masturbating you weird **** you!
Does physical fitness affect ejaculation? -