Sunday, January 1, 2006

Whats an average amount of time a man can last before ejaculation? Be honest? -

Whats an average amount of time a man can last before ejaculation? Be honest? -

It depends on a lot of factors. I average about 20 minutes. I have gone as long as an hour, I have gone as short as three minutes

I-m a 60 Minute Man...…

I usually last about 4 minutes; if the old lady really wants a sweet ride I can blow the ol top valve in about 20 seconds.
My Thanksgiving lay said that the 45 minutes I gave her -wore her out-
3 days
What is your average?
me 20 min
you ****** fags ar little beoches it takes me 5 but if it sex then i keep goin
the can last long
Whats an average amount of time a man can last before ejaculation? Be honest? -