Tuesday, March 7, 2006

No Sperm in Ejaculation? -

No Sperm in Ejaculation? -

I masturbated yesterday and I ejaculated sperm. After about three hours I masturbated and nothing came out. The next day [it has been more than 10 hours] I masturbated again and ejaculated but there was no sperm. I felt an orgasm.

Is this normal or not? what-s this disorder?

Your probably a younger Dude Jake M.

That-s normal man. Your Equipment won-t go into full production until you are around age 18. Age 20 or 21 years old up to around 35 or 40 years old is the peak production window in time for your Dude parts.
If you only have one load in there, you have a problem. Low sperm count or testicular problems. Consult a doctor. You should be able to ejaculate at least 2-3 times a day.
You don-t mention your age, Bubba - but it sounds like you are just entering puberty. You gotta give things time. Rome wasn-t built in a day, you know.
No disorder; just an empty -tank-. Mother Nature will replenish it soon enough.
yea wait alil longer..you can see a doc if its not fixed in a week..but don-t wory! :)
yeah it is just wait tell the next day then try it cause you like squirted all ur sperm out
No Sperm in Ejaculation? -