Monday, March 20, 2006

Opposite of premature ejaculation? -

Opposite of premature ejaculation? -

is there a name for when a man needs a very long time to ejaculate?

Yes, there actually is. When a male takes a long time to ejaculate or is unable to ejaculate at all whether it-s during sexual intercourse or self-stimulation, but it-s most common among males having sexual intercourse. The name for this condition is known as Delayed Ejaculation. Sometimes it will take the male anywhere from 30-45 minutes to ejaculate, if they ejaculate at all. There are some estimated reasons why a male may suffer with something of this nature.
Generally the reason they are unable to ejaculate or take a long time to ejaculate is as follows: A strict religious background causing the person to view sex as sinful

Lack of attraction for a partner

Conditioning caused by unique or atypical masturbation patterns

Traumatic events (such as being discovered masturbating or in illicit sex, or learning one-s partner is having a love affair).

If the person is taking a drug that has this side effect

Neurological Problems such as having a stroke, nerve damage or spinal cord damage

These can contribute, if they are not the cause of delayed ejaculation. But this can be treated if the male is truly worried and wants to resolve this issue. If the male has never ejaculated, then he should see a urologist to have this resolved and if he has, then sex therapy might be needed to determine the problem with homework in no pressure sexual activity. Below I will list a site that gives you more information on delayed ejaculation and what can be done to overcome it. Hope this helps.
Opposite of premature ejaculation? -