Thursday, July 20, 2006

I have a problem with Post Mature Ejaculation? -

I have a problem with Post Mature Ejaculation? -

Not the normal PME. I think I actually have something called Post-Mature Ejaculation...if there-s such a thing. I can have sex for hours and not release at all. Then about 30 minutes after I-m done, it just bursts. It-s really really annoying, especially when family is around. Is there anything I can do to stop it?

My husband had, well still has the same problem. He can go for hours, (we tested how long, but I got tired and so was he), and yes, about 40 to 1 and a half hours later, he -bursts- as you say. He was like this before we married, about 1 yr into being married, he decided to go to the doctor, and has been prescribed pills. So go see your doctor. They may do a few tests as they did with my husband. He doesn-t have to stay on the pills forever. He only takes them when he is going to have intercourse, and yeah, he has the same effect if he jerks off.
especially when family is around- LMAO!!! wtf?

maybe stop having sex for hours?

is Post Mature Ejaculation similar to Premature Evacuation? like what Obama wanted to do in Iraq? (a joke)

at any rate, I-m not sure if PME is actually a problem, so go out and find a real problem
You should see a physician about this problem. It is not normal and could be due to internal abnormal anatomy.
Just polish your pewter about 10 minutes before you start having sex, then you-ll finish right on time.
Youll have to speak with the Management on this one Sparky!
That-s odd. I have PE, which means I ejaculate too fast. Now you got me wondering whether I-d rather have your problem or mine.
Do you burst through a wall and say -OH YEAH!-

Kool Aid Rocks!
I have a problem with Post Mature Ejaculation? -