Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Does circumcision cause premature ejaculation? -

Does circumcision cause premature ejaculation? -

I just read somebody-s answer that circumcision causes premature ejaculation...what are your thoughts on this?

Is there anybody out there who is circumcized, who has trouble ejaculating (lasts very long)?

Anybody out there who is not circumcized, but they ejaculate quickly?

I just want to test this theory
it is false
It doesn-t CAUSE pre-mature ejaculation, however, circumcised men are more likley to get premature ejaculation because of the nerve dammage.
When you lose nerve endings you lose control of the area. People say with circumcision you lose sensitivity and therefore you can last longer and are less likley to get pre-mature ejaculation. But that-s so far from true. the nerve loss and nerve dammage actually causes men to lack control over their orgasms as well as those men who aren-t circumcised.
It doesn-t cause it, you are just more likley to get it.
And that-s ALL sexual dysfunctions. There have been numerous studies that have shown men who are circumcised are much more likle to get any sexual dysfunction because of the nerve dammage and sensitivity loss.

I used to have trouble getting to orgasm. (which is a problem too) But since I have started restoring my foreskin I don-t have that problem at all. I have more sensitivity and I don-t have to have as vigorous thrusting to get where I need to go. I actually have more control over my orgasms now. Now that I enjoy sex more I make it last longer.

I know uncircumcised men that can last for an hour, I know circumcised men who last 5 mins.
More nerve endings more control.

no such theory and that is not scientific proof out there. these are all techniques you need to learn to master the art of making love.. hehe..
remember there-s a saying -it isn-t the size of that matters, it-s how long and how many times you can make it stand- :)

Check Out This Report --

Discover The Secrets To Stop Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed. Finally A Remedy For Premature Ejaculation.
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My husband of 39 years has never had that problem. Here-s more information on circumcision

ALICIA CHANG | AP Science Writer
4:51 PM EDT, March 25, 2009

LOS ANGELES (AP) �� Circumcision not only protects against HIV in heterosexual men, but it also helps prevent two other sexually transmitted infections, a large new study found. Circumcised males reduced their risk of infection with HPV, or human papillomavirus, by 35 percent and herpes by 28 percent. However, researchers found circumcision had no effect on the transmission of syphilis.

Landmark studies from three African countries including Uganda previously found circumcision lowered men-s chance of catching the AIDS virus by up to 60 percent. The new study stems from the Uganda research and looked at protection against three other STDs. The findings are reported in Thursday-s New England Journal of Medicine

-Evidence now strongly suggests that circumcision offers an important prevention opportunity and should be widely available,- Drs. Matthew Golden and Judith Wasserheit of the University of Washington wrote in an accompanying editorial.

Worldwide, only about 30 percent of men are circumcised. The figure is higher in the United States, where about 79 percent of men are circumcised, according to surveys by the National Center for Health Statistics.

An international team of researchers who conducted the study said circumcision, the surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis, should be an accepted method to reduce sexually transmitted infections among heterosexuals.

-It must be emphasized that protection was only partial, and it is critical to promote the practice of safe sex,- they wrote.

HPV can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. Herpes greatly increases the chances of infection with HIV.

The American Academy of Pediatrics previously said there was not enough evidence to recommend routine circumcision of infants. The doctor-s group is reviewing its position based on recent studies. About 2,800 herpes cases in newborns occur in the U.S. every year transmitted from mothers to infants that can lead to disability or death.

The latest research involved 3,393 HIV-negative heterosexual adolescent boys and men from Uganda who were part of the original HIV study. About half were randomly selected to undergo circumcision right away while the rest had the procedure 2 years later. All had physical exams and were offered voluntary HIV counseling and condoms.

After two years, herpes infection was detected in 114 circumcised men compared with 153 uncircumcised men. HPV was detected in 42 circumcised men compared with 80 uncircumcised men. There was no significant difference between the two groups on rate of syphilis infections. The researchers considered condom use, number of sex partners and other factors to calculate the risk reductions.

Why circumcision may reduce the risk of infection is not entirely known. But researchers think cells in the foreskin of the penis may be susceptible to HPV and the herpes virus.

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation. It was conducted by the Rakai Health Sciences Program and Makerere University in Uganda, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a division of the National Institutes of Health.

The results were similar to two recent studies from South Africa that found circumcision reduced HPV and herpes by up to a third.

Researchers plan to study whether circumcision reduces the spread of HPV to female sex partners.
It varies from guy to guy. Premature ejaculation is almost always a psychological problem. Being circumcised or not has very little to do with how long you last.

The study you linked to, is not a scientific study it is a subjective study based on the patients- opinions. The professor of urology also explicitly says: -I don-t want anyone to interpret this as a cure for premature ejaculation.-
It does nothing to prevent P.E. and in many cases it may contribute to it.

It also can have the complete opposite effect, many of -circumcised- males have a problem with delayed orgasm or complete lack of orgasm (anorgasmia) because of poor sensitivity. Because this problem was overcome with foreskin restoration we know that it was caused by the lack of foreskin.

hey -its me- Connor is wise beyond his years, it is you that has no idea yet, child. I have more than 52 years of experience with a wounded penis. Those years tell me that Connor is right on.

You just don-t know YET what awaits you.

I am sure you know that the majority of US males are -circumcised- but did you know that the majority of US FEMALES say that sex causes pain, did you know that the majority of US FEMALES say they never experience orgasm during coitus (sex) ......duh the majority of US males have mutilated genitals.

This mutilation was perpetuated to ruin the enjoyment of sex...guess what ...IT WORKS.

But back to P.E.; In Turkey a ,Muslim nation with nearly 100% male circumcision, P.E. is practically a national disease. The nations that mutilate males are also the best sales areas for E.D. drugs.
being cut or uncut has nothing to do with it

as for conner he is talking BS
circumcision has no bearing whatever on the ability or lack thereof to ejaculate.��

What a load of nonsense.
One has nothing to do with the other at all.
Plumb gibberish, Bubba! I-ve had it both ways - can-t tell a difference one way or the other.
Does circumcision cause premature ejaculation? -