Saturday, September 8, 2007

Question about Pre-Ejaculation? -

Question about Pre-Ejaculation? -

Is it true that the fluid itself contains no sperm, that it is just lubricant and to clear the urethra, and that usually the only reason it contains sperm is because of past ejaculations? And that if a male was to urinate after ejaculating, and then later did some sexual activities that caused him to again pre-ejaculate, no sperm would be present?
Just curious. Please, only answer if you really know what your talking about.

there is always some small amount of sperm in any pre-ejaculate
and a small amount is enough to get a girl pregnant

yes it does clean and lube the urethra and yes urine could kill the sperm but new sperm is made all the time and when aroused a guy does produce pre-ejaculate and it does have live sperm in in it
You can believe that if you want to - and end up becoming a Papa long before you planned - and by law, having to pay child support for EIGHTEEN YEARS!
Nope that-s not true pre-ejaculation does contain sperm you better believe it.
there is always sperm in pre-ejaculation, no matter the circumstances don-t take chances with this.
There is sperm in pre-ejaculation!
I have heard that there can be sperm in the pre fluid.
thats what i believe. i did mad research about it and all the reliable sites said exactly that
Yes there is sperm in p/e.
Question about Pre-Ejaculation? -