Saturday, April 19, 2008

I have problems during sexual intercourse. It has to do with premature ejaculation. My sex life is ruined.? -

I have problems during sexual intercourse. It has to do with premature ejaculation. My sex life is ruined.? -

What is a premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse? I think that-s what I have. My wife hates me. It has caused me a great deal of trouble with my spouse, any idea on what to do? Where to go for help? How to beat this proble? I mension this to my doctor the other day and she suggested Viagra. I don-t think that-s what the primarily problem is. Anyhow I want to thank you for your help in advance and happy holidays.

luckily for u my worried and not so smart friend premature ejaculation can be trained and also can be controlled by medication, you should talk to your urologist, he might be able to help u with this and u can-t ask for any tips and hints cause everyone is different and u need to know first what is your reason for ejaculating prematurely and don-t try to do some techniques from the internet cause u might make things worse.
Good luck
Your life isn-t ruined - There is treatment for premature ejaculation. Just explain to your doctor that you ejaculate too quickly. Ask for a prescription for Zoloft 25mg once daily for 30 days. if you don-t see a difference then the dose will need to be adjusted to 50 mg. Paxil will also work for premature ejaculation. Either medication will do fine.

This will not work overnight; it takes about 14 days to see a difference.

You might need to stay on the medication for several months. Once you see a difference in the ejaculation delay, then research premature ejaculation exercises on the Internet.
Premature ejaculation is the inability to control your orgasm or when a man ejaculates before he wants to.

You can find techniques on the internet for helping with premature ejaculation.
The most effective way to help with this is to have sex until you feel you are close to orgasm, then stop and wait until you are calmed down a bit before starting up again. When you stop make sure not to touch yourself, but keep your partner pleased, go back to foreplay. Eventually you will be able to last longer.

Do NOT take Zoloft or Paxil for this problem, you can fix this without medication. They are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor kind of antidepressants. These drugs are dangerous and cause many serious side effects, including severe withdrawal symptoms if you ever try to get off them.
Premature ejaculation means that you ejaculate too fast (*** too fast), and this has 2 solutions depending where the problem comes from... if you are just too anxious and excited to have sex, setting more of a relaxing mood, with candles and a massage... taking it slow will help you last longer (also alcohol and antidepressants will make you last longer) -

It could also be that your body has gotten use to ejaculating in a little amount of time, this is most of the times due to masturbating fast! for this: You need to traine yourself again on how to hold the semen back and delay ejaculation... using the stop and go method: Start masturbating slowly and continue with the same speed until ur almost ejaculating, stop and hold it in so it doesnt happen... wait until your penis starts to feel soft and again repeat the method... do this stop and go until you can no longer hold it back... try to last at least 5 times before you ejaculate! do this many times a week and it will help you!
Learning to spot the signs of ejaculation is a good first step. Ease off the second you feel the first inkling of the point of no return down below. Slow deep breathing and contracting your perineum (the muscles used to squeeze out the last drops from urination) will help dissipate the sensations. Its really a matter of retraining your system and won-t take that long with a little practice.

you dont need drugs to cure your problem it can be done naturally its a documented fact
You are too excited, you need to slow it down. I had the same problem a few years back, women would call me one pump chump. It was horrible Believe it or not I think of cars when I get to that point of almost finishing and it will usually back down the end result. or anything else that will make you not think of the great pleasure of sex.
Viagra? I thought that-s what you use whe you can-t ejaculate.
I have problems during sexual intercourse. It has to do with premature ejaculation. My sex life is ruined.? -