Saturday, September 6, 2008

Low ejaculation pressure? -

Low ejaculation pressure? -

What is it if your a teenager with low ejaculation pressure? How to increase it?

I think you-d find your best answer by asking your doctor the next time you have a check up. He may know something that can increase it to the pressure you want.
whenever you are about to *** really try hard to hold it in for as long as possible because if u do it enough, it will really build up those muscles, it worked for me, i can get it up to my face almost when laying down, lol, it might take time, but its worth it
Perhaps you have a narrow urethra. Sorry kid, it-s just the hand you were dealt. No *** shots for you...
take zinc everyday and give it a rest for a few days that should give u the money shot u are looking for
Well, try not masturbating or having sex for a while. It will build up.
Low ejaculation pressure? -