Saturday, October 11, 2008

New partner that has premature ejaculation, a new thing for him. Help? -

New partner that has premature ejaculation, a new thing for him. Help? -

Okay so I did some research, and all they give me is pills pills pills to solve it for him. I-m not going to ask him to take pills for it.

He tells me this has never happened to him before through out any other partner he has.

But then again, I also realize by looking at other questions and answers that it could be either that he-s anxious about having sex with me or that I attract him a little too much.

Which could be, I-m the only sexual partner he has had that he hasn-t been in a relationship with, so it-s really only a physical attraction.

We-ve been using condoms, and we even tried condoms that were too small for him to cut off circulation and he still ejaculates in less than 5 minutes.

The other problem is, they say for me to be on top, but I don-t ever feel anything when I-m on top so I wouldn-t enjoy it.

I could try to get condoms for premature ejaculation, but I don-t know if they make them in a large size.

Any other suggestions on how I could help him slow it down without hurting him?
I used to have this problem too and I have tried many things to correct it. Don-t try the pills at all! They are all scams and don-t work-I tried already. There is a whole industry devoted to draining the wallets of milliions of men who have a problem ejaculating too quickly. Most people would tell me to do kegel exercises to train my pelvic floor muscles to stop from ejaculating too soon. There is no way in the world you can squeeze your PC muscle enough to stop your prostate from pumping out your load. One thing I do is control my thrusting. I go in 4 strokes shallow and one deep. I also thrust in a circular motion and what this does is eliminate a lot of friction off the head of my penis so it doesn-t get as much stimulation, thus me lasting longer. The third thing I do that works very well is apply pressure with two fingers onto my prostate right in between my scrotum and anus right when I feel the urge to pop. He must put enough pressure on it ( I do it kinda hard) and it makes my ejaculation urge go away in about 5-10 seconds of applying pressure. The pressure applied to the prostate halts it from pumping out sperm.The last thing I can tell you to do is have him use his mind to think about non-sexual things while doing it. The brain is the most powerful sex organ and the command center. If he can think about sports, food or something while doing it, the physiological method might just work. I hope this helps. :-)
the kind of answer your looking for is available widly on the internet lol asking the quesiton on here wont get you a shorter answer that will work :P Heres a link to a site i picked up with a quick search of stop early ejaculation
and remember your doctor is one of the best people to help you, the internet may be private but the information is not always the best.

Stay away from desens sprays they ruin the experiance.
Condoms do releave the touch sensation that causes ejaculation, another way is for him to ejaculate before intercourse by masturbation, oral sex would also work, help him out
he-s nervous. maybe he-s afraid that his regular girl friend will catch him with you.
year ago my husband suffered very much from premature ejaculation too and he started trying everything you can imagine to stop premature ejaculation. the things that really work is:

1) The squeeze! One physical strategy for delaying climax involves squeezing the shaft of the penis right before ejaculation. It creates a mild discomfort and keeps the event from happening!
2) Mental distraction! Some people find mental distraction helpful for delaying things. The idea is to think of something completely unrelated to your partner��and distinctly nonsexual. Some guys imagine they are at a football game or do math problems in their heads.

3) also you must use herbal treatment because you can not do everything always 100% right...!!! in that case Deer Antler Plus is really good (probably the best) product that helps against premature ejaculation!

Premature ejaculation is directly linked to low serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a highly important neurotransmitter that regulates important functions like sexual appetite, mood and sensory perception. Low serotonin levels are the root cause of many problems, including depression and anxiety. Deer Antler Plus��s herbal ingredients interact with the chemicals in the brain to produce more serotonin. This results in significantly controlling the ejaculation process and eventually better sexual relationships.

I do not know if any pharmacies carry Deer Antler Plus but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here��

It worked and still works for him (and for me too ;) )!
Sex as they say is a learned for this problem he has to unlearn - relearn a better technique. So if the thougth of u is causing him to go pre mature...then the best option is to nake him thing something which will distract him from sex for a while as he feel he is about to come.
The minute he is distracted...he will delay his u see this over - over will cause him to better control his urge....
So thats luck to both of you
New partner that has premature ejaculation, a new thing for him. Help? -