Friday, January 9, 2009

Can being overweight cause premature ejaculation? -

Can being overweight cause premature ejaculation? -


I am 20 yrs old and I am very healthy. I am in a healthy 3 year relationships and I have been experiencing some issues. Probably about a year ago I maxed my weight out to 230 lbs. from 180 lbs. also I am only 5-9. I gained a lot of weight being in my relationship but never had a problem in bed. About a year ago and to this day I have been suffering from P.E.. I have tried everything but nothing seems to work. I have wasted money on stupid websites and remedies and nothing works. I am now at 220 lbs. and I am trying to loose weight for the summer. Can someone please tell me if I get back into shape will my P.E be cured?
Yes being unhealthy is a cause

Not sure man...I don-t think they are related...

I do know that a weight increase can cause excess production of estrogen which can reduce testosterone, possibly giving you erection problems...

Sometimes its a psychological issue may want to try out ejaculation control exercises

I last much longer during sex now, check this out:��

The male orgasm/ejaculation involves the contraction of many muscles in and around the pelvic region.Mind plays an important role during ejaculation.If you know how to identify these muscles and how to control your mind,ejaculation won-t happen until you desire.Natural treatments are best to delay ejaculation

If you have PE, what-s wrong with starting over? Wait a few minutes and play again.
Well its kind of you weight. I think you are deep down concerned about your weight, and you are getting depressed from it which is stress and that is the biggest cause of Premature Ejaculation.

There are a few things you can try.
1, lose some weight, so you feel better..
2, try a c0ck ring, that can help..
3, You can buy condoms that will numb your penis a bit. There are Lubes and I think sprays but the down side to them is it can transfer on to her making her less sensitive, so the condoms are the best..

There is also exercises that can help to. I only know 1 but if you google it you will find some more.. the exercise I know of is every time you go to the toilet for a wee, stop yourself mid flow and hold for 5 seconds and do that a few times, cause it the same muscles that control you ejaculation
You can try the following technique for your P.E.:the start and stop technique,
Start having sex and stop as soon as you feel you are about to come:divert your mind from it all together.Then go on:stop again and go on:stop again.
You can teach yourself this easier by yourself with masturbating.
Go run or swim to loose weight.
If running is to much for you now,restrict the exercises to swimming:you use all muscle groups so loose weight.
no such theory bro.. and that is not scientific proof out there. these are all techniques you need to learn to master the art of making love.. hehe..
remember there-s a saying -it isn-t the size of that matters, it-s how long and how many times you can make it stand- :)

Check Out This Report --

Discover The Secrets To Stop Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed. Finally A Remedy For Premature Ejaculation.
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no, there is no link between weight and PE. just concentrate on what you-re doing and don-t try to think about other things that turn you off--that doesn-t work. breathe deeply and be into what you-re doing. good luck on the weight loss!
Can being overweight cause premature ejaculation? -