Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Penis growth and ejaculation ? -

Penis growth and ejaculation ? -

are there any foods or diets the may make the penis larger or wider
also are there ways of disabling your sperm from causing pregnancy other then condom
are there ways of keeping your self from ejaculating
both when the pussy-s to tight and when its time to blow

i hope you enjoy ansering my quistions
have a nice day/night

1) eating healthy! Might not make you grow larger but it will make you feel so much better in yourself.

2) Yes there is actually, its all in the breathing Stamina building is an awesome way to make intercourse more pleasurable with your partner. The -start-stop- method is often used to help keep you going for longer.

1. Get excited either with help of a partner, or through masturbation. For many individuals the latter is going to be the easiest, unless you have an understanding girlfriend who is willing to help you practice treating premature ejaculation.

2. When you feel you are about to reach climax, hold back and stop everything. Maintain yourself and make sure not to prematurely ejaculate. Hold it in, take deep breaths, and relax yourself for a few moments.

3. When you feel you are calmed down a bit and can continue some more, then proceed. Again reach for the point of climax, and yet again when you get there, pull back and stop.

4. This should be repeated over and over. What you are doing is training your body to feel what it is like to last long and avoid premature ejaculation.

5. Every time you practice the start and stop method, you should notice that the time between your starts and your stops will increase. Meaning of course, that you are actually able to last much longer than ever before.

6. Continued practice will adjust your body to become a long lasting lover and avoid premature ejaculation. You will also develop skills to deal with premature ejaculation when you sense it is coming on.

By stopping, then re-starting, you will learn the necessary breathing and hold in techniques which are required to stop premature ejaculation from occurring.

Take care of yourself and have fun xxxx :)
1. NO. Forget the flashy ads you see on the internet.

2. MAYBE. Smoking and being generally unhealthy can damage potency.

3. YES. Slow the hell down.

ETA: I seriously doubt the claim below that celery can result in a Peter North-like discharge. However, eating more vegetables is good way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The better overall shape your body is in, the better you-re able to perform sexually...this may very well result in bigger loads, but don-t expect to put out any forest fires with it.
NOTHING can increase the size of your penis.


there are food that you can consume before intercouse that will make you have a longer,more powerful orgasam and make you shoot 3x more semen....

Eat celery and lots of water 8-10hrs before sex and you will shoot a large load.

(thats what porn stars do to make them shoot such large amounts of semen.)
Number one. No food is going to make your penis larger or wider
Number two. You cant -disable sperm- but there are numberous methods of contraception, I find that not having intercourse helps a lot
Number three: dont masturbate
Yes, there are many ways.
Distracting yourself mentally.
Slowing down, or even halting your movement.
1st time in men health.

and F** this is funny to read.

Love it. And Educational.
I cant believe u wrote this on Y!A:
both when the pussy-s to tight and when its time to blow

but yea try slowing down, i know ur exicted at the moment who wouldnt?
Penis growth and ejaculation ? -