Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Medicine for Premature Ejaculation..? -

Medicine for Premature Ejaculation..? -

I-ve been having this problem from long time, because of which I-m not able to give good pleasure to my wife. I-ve been married from last 1-half yr. She is very understanding and cares about me. Please advice is there-s any medicine or remedy which I can do to improve my longetivity. Many thanks in advance.
Some sex researchers define PE as occurring if the man ejaculates before his partner achieves orgasm while others define as occurring when a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners. Under this consideration, Early Ejaculation is the most common sexual problem in men, affecting 77% of men. Some study let suppose a genetic link to certain forms of premature ejaculation also if Psychological factors also commonly contribute to premature ejaculation. Interpersonal dynamics strongly contribute to sexual function, and premature ejaculation can be caused by a lack of communication between partners, hurt feelings, or unresolved conflicts that interfere with the ability to achieve emotional intimacy. Depending on severity, premature ejaculation symptoms can be significantly reduced. In mundane cases, treatments are focused on gradually training and improving mental habituation to sex and physical development of stimulation control. In clinical cases, various medications are being trialled to help slow down the speed of the arousal response. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants have been shown to delay ejaculation in men treated for different psychiatry disorders. Therefore, the study about those antidepressants still is in progress. Around there are some methods to control PE as to have longer foreplay and stop sexual act at the point when the man first feels he is about to ejaculate, usually within the two minute point, he, and his partner pauses with intercourse completely.
You have two choices:

1) GO to a urologist

2) At the moment you are going to pop think about George W. on top of Laura pumping away with hie white bottom moving to the motion.
Use the lateral coital position it makes it harder for ejaculation thus making intercourse longer.
Medicine for Premature Ejaculation..? -