Ive Got Premature Ejaculation after Lasting Hours. Why? -
That is a good point. I just want 1 person and am fed up of the 1 night stands so maybe that is causing it. Am just worried that when the true love of my life comes along -i know it sounds soppy- i dont want to last 5 minutes. I think i will phone the doctor tomorrow. Thanks guys.See a doctor. You are getting older, and things don-t work as well they used to. On top of that, if you drink, smoke and/or eat unhealthy foods, all that takes its toll on your sex drive, and ability to achieve and maintain an erection. If these are one night stands, I am guessing you are meeting them out at bars after drinking quite a bit. That is also going to cause problems. Exercises can help. Exercise in general to boost your stamina and blood flow, and specific muscle exercises, called Kegels, that will aid in the problem. If you are doing all that, then maybe it is psychological, but I am betting it is just aging coupled with the accumulated effects of unhealthy lifestyle choices. Again, a doctor can help, maybe you need some viagra or something.
could it be a mental problem? Like you deep down want to stop the one night stands so your penis is refusing to work. If I-m wrong ask your doctor.
go the doctor dude
get yourself checked out, full oil change and tyre pressure. Its not worth the risk thinking everything will be ok
make an appointment with a doctor to get checked for STDs.
- get off yahoo answers
- go to a doctor
Since you are 92 years old, this is normal.
agree with Roy, go to a doctor to check.
Too much alcohol...why is ur hand up? Oh, and the one that u popped quickly? perhaps sheeza the one!