Will procylon help get rid of premature ejaculation? -
I have a problem with premature ejaculation. It doesn-t happen in like 30 seconds, but it is usually between 5-15 minutes. It is not long enough for my girlfriend. It is putting a strain on our relationship
No, but you may want to consult your physican about starting a very low dose of antidepressant like Zoloft or Paxil, they have the side effect of what-s known as retarded or delayed ejaculation. It now a common cure for premature ejaculation. I really hope you try it,because it works, and there-s nothing to be ashamed about a large portion of the male populaton suffers from this condition. G-luck and I wish you the best
no thats not going to help, your best way is to slow down, less fore play, practice makes perfect, you are getting to excited.