Saturday, June 5, 2010

TEN POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER: I have premature ejaculation.? -

TEN POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER: I have premature ejaculation.? -

I am 14 years old, almost 15 and am still a virgin. It takes about a minute or less to masturbate and afterwords I can-t get an errection. I have been masturbating since 13 about 3-4 times a week. I need advice on what I can do! Please give me good answers to cure it.

Thats not entirely uncommon.

with both men and women, people tend to know EXACTLY how to get themselves off; the more experience you have with doing it, the faster it will be. You will tend to want to get to the end result instead of taking the -scenic route- if you know what I mean.

When you have sex later in life, it shouldn-t be that way. Sex won-t be the same every time, so the time it takes to have an orgasm will vary. If you still have problems later with premature ejaculation, a doctor should be able to help you.
step by step method - you can practice in the privacy of your own home - that will permanently eliminate your premature ejaculation
check it out

Thanks for advertising a hilariously obvious fact in the title.

Anyway... What-s your saying is normal. And FYI if you aren-t a virgin at 15, then clearly you-re desperate.
just before your ready to -let it fly- think of your grand ma -:NAKED- that should help you last longer
Just before you have your orgasm, STOP.
Then wait 30secs.
Start again do this for about 15 orgasms.
1) you-ll have a bigger *** shot
2) your erection will last longer
Well the more you dpo it the better you get masterbate more your stamina will improve
It-s fine,and why do you have to worry about it?
u automatically get ten pointzz for a best answer.
the is nothing to cure. i am the same way u r fine. just keep on beatin your
TEN POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER: I have premature ejaculation.? -