Saturday, December 25, 2010

How to infinitely prevent ejaculation? -

How to infinitely prevent ejaculation? -

I am on the search for a way in which the risk of ejaculating does not exist, even under extreme pleasant stimulation. I am not talking about preventing premature ejaculation, or even about -how to last longer-. I am talking about a scenario in which the possibility of it ever happening is completely eliminated, even if I am doing some hot 18 year old supermodel for 10 hours straight. A scenario in which the potential for it happening is completely in check for an indefinite amount of time. What is the method so that no matter what I do a load cannot be blown? (nothing painful)
dick plug
find someone ugly
Do alot of drugs and dont think about it while you are in the act. Think about your mom or your dog. Unless you are some sicko and gets off on that then well think of a hippo.

atwitwwcat: Mans is better..

uh no its not women climax is much more powerful. You must have never really had one. Or finished one
Since castration is out of the question, you-re screwed. It just isn-t going to happen.

Even if you do not masturbate or otherwise engage in sexual activity, your body needs to release stored semen once in a while. And if you leave stale semen in there (by not having sex, or masturbating if you have no partner), you-ll eventually get prostate cancer.
i dont think thats possible good luck
Don-t have sex..thats it. Or try wrapping a rubber band behind your sac. Think of dead smelly cats or rotten milk. Have sex with her after she runs 2 miles and smells like sweat. Good luck
Castration nd its not painful under anesthesia
I-d like to answer your question, but I-m not sure its possible.. However I am interested in why on earth you wouldn-t want to get-off? I-d imagine a guys orgasm must feel 1000 times better than a girls.
Get your mind with other staff but girls, and you are not gonna be exited and you can stop that. Put you mind busy in anything else but women. Just buy a dildo. It never goes soft.
Well you can get snipped but that won-t get rid of your orgasm. You still won-t be able to go for an infinite amount of time. Mostly because its not possible on your part and because whatever girl you-re with will eventually get tired and leave.
How to infinitely prevent ejaculation? -