Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is the medical therapy for premature ejaculation? -

What is the medical therapy for premature ejaculation? -

There could be drugs which deals with premature ejaculation like viagra.
but the best is to control on yourself , avoid too much indulgence ,dont make your mind think of this all the time.
Try to hold yourself , remember you cant ejaculate if your penis is not jerked up to some limit

Dear Treatment for PE lies on evluation of root cause in you for PE
First a specialist ascertains the causes of PE and whats the grades of PE in you
Then appropriate threapy is chosen for uprooting PE completely
We may use some specialized herbal formaulations for the purpose
2 condoms
drugs, and masterbiate as much as u can b4 sex
What is the medical therapy for premature ejaculation? -