Erectile Dysfunction and premature ejaculation ? -
I am a 26 year old male and have a problem of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation both. It is super premature, sometimes its like before I do anything I ejaculate. Am I abnormal? How can a man have both these problems? I am feeling very depressed and feel like there is nothing left for me. I love her very much and I cant even give her the basic happiness. Is there any solution to this ? What kind of specialist should I be seeing in the US for this ? I have been going through the doctor-s list but not sure what kind of specialist is right for this. Do you all think practically this problem has a permanent solution ?Go to a general practitioner, and tell them your problem and ask for a specialist. There are possible physical reasons for it, and there are corrective remedies.
Sounds like you have anxiety issues... they would cause all of your symptoms.
Try relaxing. The more you think about your past problems the more likely they will continue to occur.
If worse comes to worse and you are really screwed up in the head about it, go see a therapist. They can help put you in a better mindset and may even prescribe a SSRI to help you out.
An SSRI will not only reduce your anxiety, it will make you last like a champ in the bedroom.
You need an Urologist to check your case, yes it is abnormal but you have nothing to be ashamed of, many man has ED or PE, some men (like you) even have both, but it is treatable, go and see an specialist.
A urologist or family doc may be able to help you with the ED. Some urologists work with premature ejaculation, but more often that is the realm of sex therapists. Since you are 26 I would have to think that this is a fixable problem, but I dont know your medical history (diabetes, alcohol, smoking, renal disease, testoterone levels, psychiatric conditions, sexual history, etc)