Monday, November 7, 2011

How to cure premature ejaculation? -

How to cure premature ejaculation? -

Hey My bf is 16 years old and he has premature ejaculation that-s why we have never had sex before. he told me he can last 2 Min-s masturbating and he also told me hes been trying the stop and go technique and he stops for like 10 secs or more but it still doesnt work, he says he-ll *** couple secs after doing the stop and go (2 Min-s max and 5min-s max with stop and go). I was wondering how long can he last inside a girl with a normal speed? and is there a cure for this problem other than pills?
please help us thanks
There-s actually a racing sport for ejaculation. I can get it done in 1 min 32 seconds flat. Maybe he should join.
End Premature Ejaculation (Audio CD)��

Coping With Premature Ejaculation: How to Overcome PE, Please Your Partner - Have Great Sex��

How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation��

The Ejaculation Trainer��

Master Of Ejaculation��

25 easy, effective and proven methods of ejaculation control��

All the best
when he masturbates he need to make sure he doesn-t ejactualtes for a set amount of time. Like start at 2 min, next time work up to 4, then so on until about 15 min. Continued masturbation will decrease the nerve sensitivity in the penis. Also, make sure he wears a condom, for many reasons, but this will make him last longer inside of you also.
I-ve never heard of premature ejaculation while jerking off. That-s silly. Being inside a girl is a totally different sensation than being in one-s right hand. His prowess may be totally different. If all else fails, mention his mother while he-s doing you!
The only thing he can do is relax and enjoy and stop when he is about to climax then go again. Yes there is med-s but doctors likely arent going to give them to a 16 yr old.
Have him masturbate before having sex. drives the hormones down.(hormones cause premature ejaculation.) wait an hour or so afterwords and do it. Hope it helps
well if ur gunna have sex, it doesnt rly matter if hes a minute man cuz u cant have an orgasm till u ***

n u dont need to stop after u *** lol
practice makes perfect...geee he-s only 16 same as me but my gf and i thought were not ready for sex and its corresponding responsibities...just a thought for you
masturbate before and especially where a condom!!!!!!!!!!!
There are several reasons of premature ejaculation:


psychological factors (depression, stress, feeling of guilt, low self-rating, excessive nervousness owing to sex)

diseases (problems with thyroid gland, prostate infective diseases, changing of level of particular hormones and substances produced by brain).

Premature ejaculation of young people is connected with inexperience (they do not know yet their body very well). Some men have premature ejaculation as a result of erectile dysfunction.


For premature ejaculation diagnostics the doctor should find out many things from the past and present patient��s state of health and also all about medicines the patient is taking. The doctor has to ask in details about sexual relationship with the partner.

It is very hard to talk about sexual problems with the doctor, but it is important to ask honestly his questions. Here is a approximate list of the questions:


How long premature ejaculation is observed?

Does this problem appeared recently or it exist from the very beginning of sexual life?

Does the premature ejaculation occur every time or just sometimes?

Does it occur with only one partner or with every women?

How often do you make sex?

Do you take drugs or alcohol?

To find out potential medical reasons of the problem the doctor can appoint complex examination.

How it can be treated?

The main method of treatment is psychological, sexual, pharmacological therapy. In some cases helps the only one way of treatment, in other cases it necessary to use them in complex.

Psychological therapy.

Speaking with psychologist often can be very useful. Patient can come to consult the doctor along with his partner. Specialist will help to release stress and to improve quality of sexual life.

Sexual therapy.

There are some exercises that help to learn to delay ejaculation, that can be done alone or with the partner.


Compression method. Partner stimulates your penis with her hand until his erection. When she feels that ejaculation is coming she compresses penis head for several seconds. Erection is coming down partially. In 30 seconds partner stimulates penis again. It should be repeated several times and finally ends with ejaculation.

Interrupter method. Partner stimulates penis until ejaculation. At this moment she stops stimulation and waits until the man cools down. Then again she starts to eat penis with her hands. It repeats until ejaculation.

Pharmacological therapy.


Antidepressants. Drug side effect of some medicines belonging to that group (paroxetine, flouxetine) is orgasm delay. That is why they can be used on doctor��s orders to treat premature ejaculation. If those medicines do not help then doctor prescribes another type of antidepressant called clomipramine.

Creams containing local anesthetic (for example, lidocaine) are used for many years to treat premature ejaculation. Cream application on head of penis opiates sensation and delays ejaculation. Before sex cream should be washed off to avoid its contact with woman��s genital organs.
How to cure premature ejaculation? -