Saturday, January 14, 2012

The texture of ejaculation? -

The texture of ejaculation? -

My boyfriends ejaculation texture is sort of watery, and the color isn-t that white. He says it looks like there is just white swirled in it. Also he doesn-t ejaculate that much. What does this mean?

This is normal and I would not worry. The clear part is the seminal fluid the white swirls are the sperm.
quantity might depend on how often he ejaculates. When going for a sperm count they will tell him not to ejaculate for 3 days prior to the appointment. Watery is not a bad thing, and it looking a little yellow or swirly is normal.

The longer the foreplay or stimulation before he ejaculates will usually make it more liquidity..
just a variation.....
That sounds normal to me.

There is no normal.

Not all semen is the same, some of it is thicker, some thinner, some clear, some opaque, some smooth, some clumpy. Sometimes the same guy will produce different kinds, some times it changes within the same day.

Besides – it is usually not that much per guy – no matter what they say. Usually less than a table spoon, and fewer than 7 calories, so if you want a lot of it you will need to get a lot of guys together. The plight of the modern girl.
You may want to consult a doctor... do a sperm count.
Ckeck with a doctor
he may be having low sperm count..please ask him to see a doctor.
There is quite a variation in the appearance of ejaculate. As long as there is nothing like blood in it, he is probably fine but may want to check with a doctor just for his own peace of mind.
He maybe Suffering from a low sperm count, tell him to test his sperm count, if it will down under Certain limit it will cause huge problem for him, consult a doctor as early as Possible.
A low sperm count could be possible. However this guy I was seeing had watery, sort of clear ejaculate once but the next time it was thicker - more opaque so it may be just the way he his. Tell him to mention it to his physician the next time he goes though just to be sure.
It depends a lot on his diet. Diet can effect color and volume of ejaculation.
if it is watery then he ejaculate alot... the texture should be bit sticky, and yeah white...slimy and kinda gross... to achieve this you should ask him to to ejaculate that often...try like one or two weeks..
Nothing. His ejaculation is normal.
if it is mostly watery means that he ejaculated ALOT! but if there is alot of white and its globby means that he does not ejaculate often.
The texture of ejaculation? -