Saturday, December 8, 2012

Embarrassment: Prem. Ejaculation? -

Embarrassment: Prem. Ejaculation? -

Today I ask my gf to suck me off, and she did and I come in like 1 min I feel really embarrassed, what will she think?How can I make it last longer next time? Thanks.

Use some herbal pills or consult an andrologist.
I used to also. But you Think about other things. Try to relax, don-t think about it so much. One thing that helped is tell her to stop and breathe for 5 to 10 seconds and kinda jerk it a little but very lightly. then tell her to continue.
She will think she is the best at giving a ******** they ever was.Do it once for you then do it once for her lol.Next time start thinkin of non related sex topics your grandma is a good one or a chess board.

if u want information Prem. Ejaculation (
Search for PC Muscle Exercises. The PC muscle controls urination and ejaculation. Peace!
dont worry about it you did fine ,i am sure she was happy so dont worry at all
Embarrassment: Prem. Ejaculation? -