Thursday, December 20, 2012

Premature Ejaculation...Could This Help? -

Premature Ejaculation...Could This Help? -

OK...I-m dating this girl, and the other day, she was telling me about this guy she dated. She said it was the worst sex she ever had. She said the guy would ejaculate as soon as he came near her.

This girl and I haven-t had sex yet...but uh, I-ve let it go pretty early before. I mean, there have been times when it was totally fine, and my ex and I would go for a good 30 minutes. But I felt good at the it was natural and we were kinda working together.

Anyway...when this new girl and I finally go at it, her comment will have -lasting a long time- at the forefront of my brain. I-m afraid I won-t be able to make it good for her and the sex will be crappy. Hell, I already know she compares people since she did an assessment of previous guys right in front of me.

I want to build confidence and be ready for fun! Anything I can do? Maybe whack off and stop just before? Excercise more? Take vitamins? See a doctor? Anything...?

maybe you should steer clear of her. why bother with someone who doesn-t have enough class NOT to talk to you about other guys sexual performance.

that-s my advice - you should heed it......
There are OTC desensitizing creams that are applied to the glans that work fairly well. Or you can masturbate before your date. That way you-ll not get off too quickly when you do play.

Best bet is to discuss it w/ ur gf. Let her know that you get off quickly but won-t stop playing. And that you will become excited again and will last longer. Most women are willing to deal w/ this problem if you-re open about it and are sensitive to her needs as well. want to drink soooo much that you get whiskey-dick
if u want information about Premature Ejaculation
i say whip the bishop a few hours before you think you will be intimate with her and you will last longer.and you might enquire about the little blue pill they call viagra.also she seems to be a bit of a talker to other people so just give her the pork sword and send her on her way.
You don-t sound like you suffer from premature ejaculation!

Sounds to me that you just want to be on the safe side and you want to be able to go a little longer.
is a good resource for methods that increase lasting time.

If you could possibly calm down and not be so worried you would probably be fine.
I agree with Daniel.....

Other option which worked once for a guy I used to date---do math in your head-it distracts you. Never seemed like much fun for him to me,
Premature Ejaculation...Could This Help? -