Thursday, January 24, 2013

What can cause a burning pain in the urethra after ejaculation? -

What can cause a burning pain in the urethra after ejaculation? -

Sometimes after I nejaculate a have a burnig pain on the inside of my penis. It allmost feels like some of the sperm is still inside of the penis, but im not sure if its that. I no that I HAVE NO STD. I have only been with one persone and she was a virgin, so I no 4 a fact tht i dont have one. I was wondering If it could be prostititist ( spelling isnt correct), or will youi allways have pain if you have any kind of inflamation or infectoin of any sex organ. Well I hope ya-ll can tell me what it could be and how to stop it from hurting.
Thank yall
Even if your -sure- you don-t have an STD, you can still have an infection.

I doubt it is your prostate...

Something on the INSIDE of your penis = DOCTOR.

No if-s and-s or butt-s! lol

Just go... STD or no... There are hundreds of infections that are not sex related that might be causing this.
I would suggest going to your doctor. You could have an infection not related to sex.

If you had anal sex, you could gotten fecal matter inside your urethra, which can cause an infection. If you have had oral sex, you might have gotten a STD that way. While rare, it does happen with the bacteria ones.

Also, I would never assume someone is a virgin because people have different views on what constitutes virginity. Plus, people lie. Many STDs show no symptoms.

I hope this helps,

F.Y.I. - - If you will notice, just above the area that you type your question in, there is a [Check Spelling] box. Use it! Just how old are you? (F.Y.I. means - For Your Information.)
that burning sensation is love.
What can cause a burning pain in the urethra after ejaculation? -