My Uncircumsised penis size/ejaculation? -
Hey I am 12 years old, uncircumsised and masturbate every day or every 2 days. Is this normal? And my penis size while in erection is 4.75 sometimes it reaches almost 5 inches and it is medium thickness. When I masturbate and get or try to get and orgasism instead of ejaculating sperm I ejaculate a clear sticky fluid. What doest this mean, And is my size healthy? Thanksfor a 12 YO your penis is above average in size, very nice
if you ejaculate you are having orgasms
the fluid could be prec*m and not semen yet
at 12 your testes may not be mature enough to make sperm
what-s happening is completely normal so enjoy the jacking
Yes, that-s all normal. The average penis size is about 5 inches, and you-ll likely grow some more. At your age, it-s not uncommon to ejaculate fluid that isn-t quite developed. You sound healthy to me.
Edit: I-m sure you already know this, apparently.. but one of the people who answered is an idiot, so I just wanted to add.. puberty does NOT hit at 16.. it hits around 11-13. In some people, you can give or take a year, maybe two, but that-s not average.
it means your a little kid, and not ready to jerk off. when you become and adult or actually hit puberty 16ish it will come out white. ^^the kid above me is an idiot.
EDIT: excuse me Aowyn07. what i meant to say is most of what happens is around there. some ppl start at 9 years old some ppl start at 13 its all different but at age 16 i was basically done with the more important changes
im 18 and mine is 7inches and i looked it up and the average dick size is 5 inches so since u got a lot of growin to do u are fine on size the sperm bein clear is normal too for u since u are young it takes u to be a little older to have ur sperm turn white and sticky.
Did you think sperm was noodles?
the liquid is sperm!
and u r a normal size 4 ur age
if u hav any more questions, IM me im 14