Friday, March 22, 2013

I have premature ejaculation what should i do? -

I have premature ejaculation what should i do? -

You need to ensure that you have a regular and frequent masturbation program that will take the edge off your sexual need.

Premature ejaculation is often caused by stresses and anxieties brought about by issues of self-confidence. Will I be able to do it? Can I last long enough? Will it satisfy him/her? By introducing a regular (2 or 3 times a day) masturbation program, these kinds of issues are relegated to a lower priority. It means that you will be able to enjoy the sexual encounters you have much more.

Exercise To Cure Premature Ejaculation

The Start Stop Technique : The basic technique is stimulation of the penis until just before the point of orgasm, and then stopping stimulation until arousal is lower. Start stimulating again and the process is repeated until desired length of time until orgasm is reached, You may lose your erection when you stop the stimulation, but just start again. The most Important part of this exercise is to try everyday if possible. This exercise may take 3-5 months for improvement.

Pelvic floor muscles : Stop the flow of urine while you are peeing. As you are peeing, intentionally stop the flow of urine. Do this several times until you can clearly feel the muscle you are using to stop the flow.…

Do a search on line for the practice of -Edging- while masturbating. Once you learn to control your ejaculation via edging while masturbating you can carry over the technique to real intercourse.
kegel exercises will strengthen your pc muscles which are responsible for ample blood flow and ejaculatory reflex. with strong pc muscles you will have greater control over your ejaculatory reflex and will be able to last longer. this in conjunction with edging should do the trick.
get some help see a doctor get some pills don-t get tooo excited
jerk off like 3 times a day
I have premature ejaculation what should i do? -