Sunday, May 26, 2013

How do i stop premature ejaculation? -

How do i stop premature ejaculation? -

year ago my husband suffered very much from premature ejaculation too and he started trying everything you can imagine to stop premature ejaculation. the things that really work is:

1) The squeeze!
One physical strategy for delaying climax involves squeezing the shaft of the penis right before ejaculation. It creates a mild discomfort and keeps the event from happening!
2) Mental distraction!
Some people find mental distraction helpful for delaying things. The idea is to think of something completely unrelated to your partner—and distinctly nonsexual. Some guys imagine they are at a football game or do math problems in their heads.

3) also you must use herbal treatment because you can not always live 100% healthy...!!!

in that case DuraMale is really good (probably the best) product that helps against premature ejaculation!

Premature ejaculation is directly linked to low serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a highly important neurotransmitter that regulates important functions like sexual appetite, mood and sensory perception. Low serotonin levels are the root cause of many problems, including depression and anxiety. DuraMale’s herbal ingredients interact with the chemicals in the brain to produce more serotonin. This results in significantly controlling the ejaculation process and eventually better sexual relationships.

I do not know if any pharmacies carry DuraMale but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here

It worked and still works for him (and for me too ;) )!

No what you need to do is STOP masterbating so much.

The key to curing premature ejaculation is gaining control of your ejaculatory reflex. Most likely due to excessive masterbation you have trained your reflex to release as quickly as possible causing you to come quickly. I had the same problem.

I got lucky and found a site that taught me how to control my ejaculatory reflex and now I can last 15-20 minutes easy, and its completely changed my love life. Go to the site, apply its methods and it will surely help you too.
Exercise To Cure Premature Ejaculation

The Start Stop Technique : The basic technique is stimulation of the penis until just before the point of orgasm, and then stopping stimulation until arousal is lower. Start stimulating again and the process is repeated until desired length of time until orgasm is reached, You may lose your erection when you stop the stimulation, but just start again. The most Important part of this exercise is to try everyday if possible. This exercise may take 3-5 months for improvement.

Pelvic floor muscles : Stop the flow of urine while you are peeing. As you are peeing, intentionally stop the flow of urine. Do this several times until you can clearly feel the muscle you are using to stop the flow.…

There are a few things you can try, including doing exercises to strengthen your PC muscle. That is the muscle that causes unination and ejaculation. Try starting and stopping the flow while you are in the restroom.

You can also practice stopping your orgasm right before you have it when you are masturbating. Continue doing a stop and start until you have mastered the art of stopping it.
The male orgasm/ejaculation involves the contraction of many muscles in and around the pelvic region.Mind plays an important role during ejaculation.Natural treatments are best to delay ejaculation

Ejaculation master is the web-s most popular ejaculation control program.It really helped me.

(1) Think of other things, let your mind wander.

(2) Use a condom with desensitizing cream.

(3) Talk to your partner. -I-m getting too close, now, so I-m going to slow down.-

(4) Even a premature ejaculation feels great!

-I never had the wrong kind of orgasm. The worst I ever had was right on the money.- -- Woody Allen, in movie MANHATTAN (1979).
i think you mean when you masturbate right?
well it isn-t easy but you gotta practise
when you masturbate and you get that feeling like you are gonna blow
stop touchin it and think of something else like some ugly girl haha
then gradually
if you keep practising
you will learn how to control it
good luck
you need to make use of kegel exercises. it works very well for it.
masturbate before hand. i had this problem with my ex for a while but when we would have sex again after having jsut done it it took a lot lot longer for me to finish the second time.
find a rythm and sing a song in your head - but dont become just a pumping robot.
Masturbate before having intercourse
think of your nan
How do i stop premature ejaculation? -