Sunday, October 6, 2013



hey dude guys okay so when u hold in ur ejaculation its to stop u from cumming so you can keep going on having sex right? but when i do it i get to sensitive to continue.. so how does it cure pre mature?!
see the trick to holding it in is when ur having sex don-t try to enjoy yourself. just do it at the pace you need to keep going. after you can tell that she is enjoying it then you go crazy to enjoy it yourself.
It doesn-t, all you-re going to do is hold up a load of *** and then make a mess in the bed, all you can do is *** and keep going trooper!
please rephrase that question and why would you hold it in if you are about to *** why not let yourself do it your are just increasing the risk of pregnancy or stds if you are not using protection.
when u bouts to *** . stop for a couple min so the sensitivity goes down then when its not then you can keep going . Hope this is what you were looking for
try to exercise more and ejaculate more often, in other words you need to have more se*x baby
It-s not okay. You can clog up your nuts doing that.
Don;t do it, You might clog up your nuts

and there is a risk of infection
when you are in the climax,stop for 20 seconds, then start over again.
dont do it u will get blue balls google it
dont do it.... thats the problem... and besides... eww