Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ejaculation causes ringing in ears? -

Ejaculation causes ringing in ears? -

Yea, sorry, I know its a little gross, but when I ejaculate, there-s a ring in my ears for about 1-2 minutes after. Everything around me gets quieter too. Im 15, fit, and please answer...

No worries, there are a number of complex physiological changes that take place in your body during an orgasm. The rush of blood to your brain and the release of all those feel good hormones is just the beginning. It-s not unusual for your hearing to temporarily be impaired, if not fail altogether in those post bliss moments. But the ringing could be a sign of possible high blood pressure too. If you are naturally prone to high blood pressure, it could be something worth checking out. If you know your blood pressure is fine, you could just be extra sensitive to that part of your orgasm. Whatever the case may be, the extra blood flow that causes the hearing loss is perfectly normal.
After ejaculation your heart rate and blood pressure is high and gradually returns to normal. It happens to some guys. If the ringing is too persistent 5 to 10 minutes or more, you may want to see if it is happening when you exert yourself in other physical activities such as sports, running or jogging or working out. If it happens often and is persistent you may want to check with a doctor. An ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist.) You could have a slight sinus or inner ear problem. Most likely nothing to worry about.
its ok dont worry dats just excitement and adrenalin
Ejaculation causes ringing in ears? -