Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What should i do for premature ejaculation? -

What should i do for premature ejaculation? -

Most guys want to avoid it---you want to have it? It-s actually a chick term; it-s a different way for them to ask for more foreplay. Women know how fragile the male ego is.
Try kamasutra.com
They sell an amazing balm that makes it harder in addition to prolonging the penetration to *** ratio.

Try to excercises your pelvic floor.


Also other method can be found in this site.
Pull out when you feel it coming and breathe deeply, distract your mind by thinking of ugly old hags or jobs that need doing. After a few seconds, get right in there again and do the same again until you and your good lady are ready for it to happen.
Use delayed condoms, special sprays, etc. work on your mind either, it-s VERY important to make your mind away from it. the more you can do that, the more delay you-d make in it.

Enjoy! ;D
Masturbate. Practice delaying your orgasm each time by slowing down and thinking non-sexual thoughts when you begin to climax, then beginning again. Eventually you will be able to go longer and control when you climax, and then you can put it in practice during intercourse.
What should i do for premature ejaculation? -