Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Premature ejaculation? -

Premature ejaculation? -

What causes this, im on no medication that may cause it.. But i seem to ful-fill my sexual desires real real qucik like withen a minute.

how did you correct this issue, or how can i correct it? And what causes it?


well you could go to a doctor and ask for some pills, aor use a penis ring to stay hard, or try masterbate that should help you stay longer
You can stop premature ejaculation by natural exercise easily , read , Christian Gudnasons- book, The Ejaculation Master book,
, this guy grantees you ways that will help you have much longer sex , its just basically a few professional exercises that strengthen you ejaculation system in a few days
Hope this helps
After you ejaculate that first one do you experience the same thing on round 2. If not don-t worry. My boyfriend and I are very active sexually. We don-t use rubbers but that is still no excuse. Round one he comes fast but after that he can go and go. He doesn-t feel like there is a problem here and I don-t either. But if you feel like something is wrong consult your physician and (s)he can give you their expertise on the issue. Good luck to you and if you don-t make crazy faces and go crazy when you bust, keep going she-ll never know.
Premature ejaculation? -