Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Does Ejaculation Damage The Brain? -

Does Ejaculation Damage The Brain? -

no but, it makes your hands sticky

Definitely not. It actually lowers stress and blood pressure I believe. Supposedly it-s actually healthy as well to have sex or masturbate. The more orgasms you have the more erections you-ll be able to maintain too. It doesn-t make you blind either. Someone made that myth up. I did hear of an animal that would die having sex with multiple partners at once. I think I read it in Maxim one time. Might have been some kind of weasel I don-t remember exactly. Don-t worry about it. You experience a rush of blood to the head and a feeling of euphoria for a few seconds after ejaculating. Hope that helped!
No, it doesn-t. All ejaculation does is lower testosterone levels in your body and make you feel sluggish. Hope this helps.
Nope. I-d either be retarted, or dead by now. Along with 99.9% of guys.
Nope. Not in any way or form. Keep up the good work. Be cool.
If it did we would all be brain dead.
NO almost all the guys would be dead by now haha
No man its perfectly safe.
I been doing it for awile and I-m still sane!
Uh, no.
no way
its save so dont worrie
Does Ejaculation Damage The Brain? -