Saturday, February 7, 2015

Which brand condoms can help in premature ejaculation ? -

Which brand condoms can help in premature ejaculation ? -

There is one on the market with a numbing lube in it,so the guy looses a lot of feeling and will not come that quick.
Sorry,but forgot the name,but any porn shop will sell them

I would go with Trojan, because you didn-t say to help prevent or help do premature ejaculation, I will tell you both.

If you want to stop premature Ejaculation get Trojan For her pleasure,

If you want it get Trojan for his pleasure, or Ribbed both extra contact
the biggest tip i can give you is get the obvious load out probably 3 hrs before hand. That way you don-t go in there with a loaded gun and get trigger happy. As for me, i-ve never pre-maturely ejaculated because im a winner.
Go to and look around, you might find a better method for p.e. than condoms.
Any brand as long as there not thin, or sensitive.
3 of any kind just might do the trick!
Which brand condoms can help in premature ejaculation ? -