Monday, March 16, 2015

Is premature ejaculation curable? -

Is premature ejaculation curable? -

One of my friend ask me this question, but I dont know much about this. I will appreciate if there is some one to help please.

absolutely -curable-. When I first became sexually active I had the same problem. I think by first time I lasted about 30 seconds and she said -thats it?-. Not good on the old ego. However, by learining to control your thoughts, holding back on letting go, and with age and maturity, you can learn to control yourself and last longer, as I have done. With my current wife I can last as long as I want, in fact many times she finishes before me and we just stop, this is OK, she usually masturbates me later. Keep trying, you will get it
Personally, I don-t think so. I-m 56 and I suffer from it. I-ve tried every trick and method that I-ve heard of. When I gave up my virginity at 23 I didn-t have much of a problem, sometimes yes sometimes no. After I gave it up the problem appeared and I can-t get rid of it.
No you just need to tell -your friend- to relax a little. Try masterbating an hour before sex.
first off im sure your the one that wants to know... second just beat it by the hour.. itll help

trust me. many years of practice
Your friend.....riiiiight. I dunno. Apparently not though.
Practice, practice and more Practice!!!
Your asking for yourself aren-t you!? you sneaky thing you.
Is premature ejaculation curable? -